Greetings from a Sisters of Elune druid!

82 Night Elf Druid
<Stares at the fish>

What the heck am I supposed to do with that?


<Grabs the yarn and begins looping it around the chandelier in the Recluse>

<Attaches the fish to the dangling yarn>

<Stealths and waits on the upper bannister to see what will happen>
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100 Goblin Warlock
<stares at the dangling fish>


<puts a bucket of water directly below the fish before walking away whistling>
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100 Worgen Druid
Thank you all for your replies. I look forward to speaking with members of your guilds and getting to know players from Cenarion Circle.
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100 Human Warlock
I look forward to burnings, the occasional night arson, and demonic enslavement, as well as using demons to enslave.

But that's just me.
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100 Draenei Shaman
Still Consider you people a bunch of Crazies.
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100 Draenei Warrior
08/13/2014 08:32 AMPosted by Allaidia
Still Consider you people a bunch of Crazies.

I am the sane one
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100 Human Mage
08/13/2014 08:42 AMPosted by Noikona
08/13/2014 08:32 AMPosted by Allaidia
Still Consider you people a bunch of Crazies.

I am the sane one

Whatever. Sane people don’t talk to themselves.
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100 Draenei Warrior
08/13/2014 08:45 AMPosted by Terra
08/13/2014 08:42 AMPosted by Noikona

I am the sane one

Whatever. Sane people don’t talk to themselves.

Who’s taking to themselves?
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100 Human Mage
08/13/2014 08:46 AMPosted by Noikona

Whatever. Sane people don’t talk to themselves.

Who’s taking to themselves?

*sighs, shaking her head and walks away*
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100 Worgen Druid
I might be crazy, but I'm happy being crazy if it means I'm anything but normal. Normal is boring while crazy/weird/etc are a bit more interesting.

*Looks at Noikona* No, I'm with Terra on this. I don't think any of us can be considered sane. We are all different levels of crazy.
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100 Human Warlock
08/13/2014 10:18 AMPosted by Discauince
*Looks at Noikona* No, I'm with Terra on this. I don't think any of us can be considered sane. We are all different levels of crazy.

Crazy is as crazy does and who's to say if anyone is sane? Sanity is an illusion of objective observation is it not?
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100 Worgen Druid
Warlocks, in general, are crazy... That's just my opinion though. :P
Edited by Kärd on 8/14/2014 3:09 PM PDT
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100 Human Warlock
08/14/2014 03:09 PMPosted by Kärd
Warlocks, in general, are crazy... That's just my opinion though. :P

Well, we're not the most stable, but we are the most fun.
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100 Worgen Druid
That depends on the warlock, druid, etc. I don't care if you suck. I care more for players that wanna enjoy the game.
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100 Human Paladin
08/15/2014 06:22 AMPosted by Kärd
I don't care if you suck. I care more for players that wanna enjoy the game.

I wish more people thought like this.
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100 Worgen Warlock
08/14/2014 07:26 PMPosted by Tyvian
Well, we're not the most stable, but we are the most fun.

Damn straight.
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100 Worgen Druid
08/15/2014 06:45 AMPosted by Genevra
08/15/2014 06:22 AMPosted by Kärd
I don't care if you suck. I care more for players that wanna enjoy the game.

I wish more people thought like this.

As do I. A guild is not just a raiding machine or a pvp machine. It's what the players in the guild make it. A guild that fits each player is very difficult to find.
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100 Worgen Warlock
The unfortunate mark of the MMO culture, alas - a lot of guilds, I find, are hardcore something-or-other. As someone who meandered through raiding guilds on PvE servers before coming here, it's quite rare indeed to find a guild whose only requirement is to show up.
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97 Blood Elf Priest
My guild consists entirely of highly trained, super aggressive madcore basket weavers.

If you can't weave, you leave.

Get rekt.
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100 Worgen Druid
08/16/2014 09:31 AMPosted by Liore
My guild consists entirely of highly trained, super aggressive madcore basket weavers.

If you can't weave, you leave.

Get rekt.

ROFL! That's funny.

08/16/2014 06:05 AMPosted by Rakeri
The unfortunate mark of the MMO culture, alas - a lot of guilds, I find, are hardcore something-or-other. As someone who meandered through raiding guilds on PvE servers before coming here, it's quite rare indeed to find a guild whose only requirement is to show up.

Some guilds are so ridiculous with their requirements that I had no need to look at their website to know it'd be a waste of time to apply or I had no desire to be part of that guild.
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