ATTN alts seeking BG wins for The Lion Roars

If you've been having trouble getting the Silvershard Mines / Temple of Kotmogu wins for the quest credit for The Lion Roars, or you just want to get your wins ASAP so you can take advantage of the secrets buff this week, you might be interested in the wargames that I'll be hosting through OpenRaid this Thursday. Event time is currently set for 6:30pm to 8pm CST (4:30pm to 6pm PST), and can be moved up or down depending on the needs of the players attending.

No voice chat, BG experience or PVP gear required. All you need to do is have the quest, and be prepared to stick around until everyone attending has gotten the wins they need.

Interested? Sign up here:
Edited by Xinghua on 8/12/2014 6:00 PM PDT
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90 Night Elf Monk
damn i just came across arent still doing this are you? i need to get 1 victory for silvershard mines to complete the lion roars.
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100 Dwarf Mage
The balance of PVP is really out of whack right now because everything has been tuned to level 100 but we are all still at level 90. That said you or anyone else is welcome to get in touch with me on Tuesdays for the weekly PVP Night. We can then specifically que for Silvershard Mines and do what we can to secure a win.
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100 Orc Shaman
Spent several days trying to win Both silvershard A side and Temple H side.

Got my silvershard win, didn't get my temple win yet ,-,
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100 Human Paladin
I know this is an older thread but it should be mentioned that you cannot earn achievements in war games. I'm fairly certain the same goes for quest necessities.
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