Hello there Cenarion Circle :). I've been trying to get back into role play as of late and was curious to see if I could get an experienced and functional party of 4 other people who would like to role play and PVE level and PVP from 1-90 some orcs with me (I'm asking around on MG, WRA, ED, & CC going with whichever realm has more people interested xD). I'm extremely pumped for WoD so I thought it be only fitting I have a role playing group of Orcs to spend my evenings and weekends with and thus need new RPing friends to do this with. The leveling itself does not have to be the role play, instead something more like we level some and roleplay in the zones as we go either just story telling or just the characters interacting to give a break to the grind; it also gives us a chance to form a bit more of what we want from the characters as we develop them and they get to know each other and form bonds/relationships/love interests whtv between them.

I only ask a few things:
One, try to be different classes from each other, (functioning group so one of each role. Ranged dps, melee dps, tank, and healer with one freeby variant that can do either another ranged or melee dps their choice. This is only for Main PVE/Roleplaying Spec, offspecs can be whtv, though it should be your chosen/desired PVP spec) NO DKs UNLESS you are willing to level/roleplay an orc from 1-58 with us and then remake that character as a DK that got turned into one first generation style (ie a warlock puts your soul into the corpse of a different orc (not using alliance bodies ew humans)). Monks are only allowed if it's a more brawler kind of RP character, not trained by pandas in the style of monks that Pandaria offers (If your picking up the theme it's more of a classic version of the Horde)
Two, be patient and respectful of each others role playing styles, if we are going to last from 1-90 together we have to try and get along heh.
And thirdly have a flexible schedule. Since roleplay is hard to organize with a group in my experiences (Everyone has different schedules) that you be available some evenings of the week for at least a couple hours during the boundaries of 4-midnight eastern time (Idk where you live so ud have to figure out what time that is in your time zone.) And on Saturday or Sunday (whichever works better for a majority of the group) after noon eastern.

Other than that you're free to role play to the boundaries of your imagination, with weird customs and fun professions or hobbies. I also encourage being different Clans from one another as it just brings in more variety and fits the old and Iron Horde theme of the clans coming together. There are no clan restrictions you can even make your own clan but try and keep it logical like a reason no one has ever heard of said clan before or why you left your clan even if temporarily so that you could have the opportunity to join this adventuring party, even supposed extinct clans are ok so long as you have a reason for their survival (though realistically it's hard to wipe a people out and there are always a few escaped survivors).

So just looking for friendly and enthusiastic people who are looking for a group to RP in themselves so we can have some good fun. You dont have to be especially good at Roleplay, PVE or PVP we can help each other. I'm just asking you to enjoy those three things so we can do them :D.
BTW I'll be rolling a Burning Blade Orc Mage so ranged dps class taken xP unless the fifth extra person wants to be a ranged too.
I'm excited to hear from you guys and what you think.