The Tales of Cheeky Trio [A/RP]

100 Draenei Paladin
It was a calm day as any other at the Darkglow compound. Renaray, the worgen child, and her friend, Precious the undead pup raced to the portal house to greet their new found friend. As they reached the portal house, Leonestra and her mate Discauince step through one of the portals, followed by a rather large nightsaber cat. Renaray runs to the cat and give him a big hug, "Hi Iceberg! Welcome back!" Leonestra smiles down at the two, "Now, be good Iceberg, we will catch up with you later when it is time to go home." The two adult worgen walk away towards the main room of the largest building of the compound, leaving the three in the portal house. Iceberg gives Renaray a big lick on the face. "Hi Hi RenRen Friend. Time for snacks?" The rather large cat looks at Renaray with puppy dog like eyes.
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100 Worgen Priest
Renaray giggles at the lick and looks down at the big saber cat and nods. "Sure. We did more baking while you were gone. Me and Miss Jataa made some new stuff. We have cakes, cookies, and Muffins now!" She gives Iceberg a big smile before looking down at Precious. "You wants some treats to?" As she says that she kneels down and pets Precious.
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100 Draenei Paladin
Precious barks happily as Iceberg looks equally as excited. "Snacks!", he says excitedly, and the trio make their way to the kitchen, and grab as many snacks as Renaray and iceberg are able to carry. They take a seat in a corner of the dining hall, and begin to munch happily. Midway through their snacks, Morren, Caytamar's brother and the compounds warlock, hastily makes his way through the hall, muttering to himself and reading from one of the many scrolls in his hands. Iceberg blinks as the man disappears down the hall, and says with half a muffin in his jaws. "Man thing smell funny.."
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100 Worgen Priest
Renaray grabs two cookies biting into one then handing another down to Precious. As soon as she leans back up her eyes catch Morren watching for a short bit curious of the scrolls he is holding then looks to Iceberg. "What do you mean smell funny? He just another human. Isn't he?" Renaray then grabs another cookie and looks back to where she saw Morren walk by suddenly more curious about him "Maybe we should find out why he smells funny?"
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