[A] Reroll! Top of Server / Casual 3 day week

100 Human Paladin
Come join the reroll guild Drunken Light Brigade!

You can see our full post here: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/13841254793

We are a reroll guild to the SoE server looking to be raid ready by WoD; in Warlords we plan to see all content each patch has to offer and be one of the top guilds on our merged servers while raiding a very casual 9 to 10 hours a week!

Click the post if this sounds like something of interest to you!


I have never been a top guild before, can I still reroll with you guys?

Yes! This guild is meant for those raiders who want to keep raiding on their casual schedule! Being on the top of the server doesn't mean we will be pushing heroic content by week 2!

A role-playing realm -- I have no interest in role playing will that be a problem?

Absolutely not! I am right along with you. I have never RP'd before and on SoE there is very little of it! There will be no guild-sponsored RP. Think of SoE as just a very close-knit realm; just respect those who do choose to RP on the server!

When are your raid times?

Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday 7:45-10;45!

I'm not looking to raid with you guys/at all, can I still come over for the experience?

Of course!

The reroll has been going for a while -- I'm worried I'll be left behind as everyone hit the higher levels.

A valid concern, but we have multiple people coming in every day and creating new characters all leveling at different paces!

I already have a character on Sisters of Elune or a merged realm, can I join on that character?

Of course!

I'd like to talk someone before committing who do I contact?

That would be me! I'd love to chat add me on b.net Death#1225
Edited by Luxillan on 8/21/2014 11:08 AM PDT
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100 Dwarf Paladin
There is a guild called The Light Brigade on CC!
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100 Human Paladin
What are the odds haha!
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100 Worgen Druid
Is your guild drunk in game or real life? :P
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100 Human Paladin
Both, obviously! Makes it much more fun!
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100 Gnome Priest
Having read your general post, do you have any plans to change it to reflect that you will be connected to CC? I think it will be very misleading after the merge.

08/19/2014 03:42 PMPosted by Luxillan
We are located on the Sisters of Elune server. And yes Sisters of Elune is a RP server, but there is little to no RP going on.

Heroic raiding guilds on RP servers are not taken to very well unless people also RP. You could just end up with a bad reputation cutting off all your fresh blood for raiders.

And I'm not talking about you specifically, but some of the raiders you bring with you... Who, being Heroic raiders, I'm willing to bet at least a few will not care for RP.

On Sisters of Elune, there is actually no role playing go on - but thank you for bringing this up I will put that in the original post.

Also, as you were warned in that thread, the RP here community won't be very appreciative if you recruit people who expect there to be "no RP" going on. I would love to have more active guilds on CC/SoE, as long as they're respectful of the fact that these are role-playing servers, even if the guild doesn't participate in RP.
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100 Human Warlock
What Derscha Said.

Bear in mind that many RPers also tend to find more isolated places to RP in, given the amount of griefing it tends to attract from certain types. That's why you don't see it happening.
Edited by Alelsa on 8/20/2014 5:11 PM PDT
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100 Human Rogue
To compound on what they said, if you are going to get a serious raid on CC/SOE you need to look at things like what the guild Warcraftier did. They were EXTREMELY supportive of our community on all fronts, not just raiding. And to re-iterate...do NOT come to the servers with the attitude of there is no RP. You'll learn rather quickly there is and that we are rather tight knit. Aka will not hesitate to utilize the rules of the server if someone decides to try and grief/bully. Read them, learn them, know them as they are not the same as normal servers.
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100 Human Paladin
Thank you you three for all your concern.

I've been on SoE for just over two and half weeks now and there has been little to no RP here -- reading your forums here on CC makes me believe that your server is a lot more active in the RP aspect.

Even though we don't RP, I assure you the ~30 reroll members we currently have will respect your style of playing even if it is not what they choose to do.

The people that are rerolling into DLB, myself included, came over here for the close-knit environment and to become a top guild (if not #1) on a casual schedule!

Can't wait to have you guys on the server tomorrow!
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100 Human Paladin
Also added a FAQ on all post, that addressed some of the concerns you guys raised
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100 Gnome Priest
Thank you for your reply & for updating your posts. I'm going to try to more explicit in explaining why I was concerned about it.

As a roleplayer, it's always going to bug me when I see people recruiting to our realm (and now, SoE) while assuring people that role-play is practically non-existent. Please understand how it feels from our perspective; your post comes across as someone trying to reassure prospective candidates that we are not "real" role playing server and they should not be concerned about it. Your posts emphasize how much the server is not filled with role players.

Part of the RP community's goal is to increase the size of our community, but the message your post is sending works against that goal by discouraging potential role players from visiting and spreading the perception that there is no RP community.

I think a better approach would be to simply acknowledge that SoE/CC are roleplaying servers, and as long as both community respect each other, there should be no trouble between the two communities. There's no need to marginalize the size SoE's RP community.

I also believe your post should mention that Cenarion Circle is now connected to SoE, so future recruits know they will be on a connected realm and can look up Cenarion Circle's history as well when trying to decide whether to reroll. 'What realms are connected to SoE?' is probably going to be a popular question.

Don't forget you also have another thread, the one I quoted from earlier:

I hope that clarifies why we're asking questions about you and your guild. As one guildlead to another (albeit very different types of guilds) I do wish you good luck recruiting and best of results in building a friendly, fun guild. We always want more of those, no matter their main focus!
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71 Human Paladin
I totally understand where you are coming from, thank you for enlightening me with your perspective. I've updated the FAQ with the server merge and here is the new response to the roleplay question:

A role-playing realm -- I have no interest in role playing will that be a problem?

Absolutely not! I am right along with you. I have never RP'd before and the guild will not have any sponsored roleplay! As long as you respect other's decision to roleplay they will respect your decsion not to participate and there should be no trouble between the two communities

And I let all other forum posts die, just the one GR post.

Hope to see you around :D
Edited by Luxillan on 8/21/2014 8:12 PM PDT
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100 Gnome Priest
Thank you very much!
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71 Human Paladin
Almost to 40 members and I have been asked a few times -- no, you do not have to reroll. If you have a character on the realm you want to play that is more than acceptable!
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71 Human Paladin
Casually going to bump this
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