<Ironforge Guard>

100 Dwarf Paladin
((Merely want to reiterate this.))

<Ironforge Guard> is a dwarven Law Enforcement and Community hub. We patrol the capital city as well as its surroondin' regions. We employ active Guards, Moontaineer, Expeditionary, and Civil units.

((I have been more active on a few other characters of mine, namely Caileanmor, but in the coming months I will be stepping up my presence on Odin primarily to focus on his leveling and garrison, and what-not, but I do hope to get him involved in some RP if not at least start a revolving guild storyline.

Thank you all for your patience and support. :) ))

For Khaz Modan!

Edit: Updated the bold.
Edited by Ødin on 3/11/2015 10:10 PM PDT
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100 Dwarf Paladin
The old dwarf stood at the foot of the stairs and huffed an easy sigh. His breath hung in the frigid air a moment as he breathed.

The old bunker of Northgate Pass has sat dark in latter months. Since the emergence of the Iron Horde, between aiding the build, staffing, and oversight of their own garrison alongside the Alliance Shadowmoon Strongholds and seeing to the day to day business of his Command Offices back in Ironforge, Ol'One Eye barely had time for a proper drink. Much less a quiet moment to himself. He was a dwarf who cherished his solidarity.

Now, back within old familiar walls, he could at last truly breath. He knew that it wouldn't last. Such was the price to pay for being a leader. Always on the go. But these walls. They deserved better.

A warm hearth and blazing braziers. Lively conversations. The smell of freshly cooked pork over a fire and hot bread set out on the tables. The sound of another keg of ale or stout being tapped. The howl of old friends being reunited after a long stent patrolling the mountains and forests.

Odin grinned widely to himself. Those were the days, he thought. Those were the days.

"If I have anythin' to say aboot it," He murmured into the musty silent darkness as if treating an old friend. His heavy gloved hand lightly patted the stone walls as she turned to leave. "Yoo'll feel the warmth again soon."
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100 Dwarf Paladin
((The Ironforge Guard is always recruiting! Look for our IC ads in the weekly Scholar publication! Feel free to speak to me about any details, questions, or concerns about the guild. If you can't reach me via bnet, or bnet connections, shoot me an in-game mail and I'll get back to you within a day. Ø = alt 0216))

For Khaz Modan!
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100 Dwarf Hunter
Fer Khaz Modan! Come on a patrol wit' me an' I promise ye won' regret it.

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