<Ironforge Guard>

50 Dwarf Paladin
The<Ironforge Guard> is an RP focused guild.
We are always actively recruiting!

    [ ] Would you like to patrol the mean streets of Ironforge?
    [ ] Would you like to wander the snow-capped mountains, the passes of Dun Morogh, or the lush forests of Loch Modan as a Mountaineer?
    [ ] Perhaps you'd like to explore dangerous contested lands or help maintain an outpost in these inhospitable territories.
    [ ] Are you an active citizen or merchant within the community?
    [ ] Concerned about the well being of your fellow citizens, or perhaps you want a voice within your community, or you simply have business interests you'd wish to foster and protect?

If Ironforge centric Roleplay appeals to you, then look no further than the <Ironforge Guard>!

Our core is the 'guard' of the City of Ironforge and the Realm of Khaz Modan. The <Ironforge Guard> is open to both house and represent all citizens, contractors, business folk within the city and region.

We are RP focused. Our core centers around Police / Guard / Watch style role play covering the Realm (which are the lands) of Khaz Modan with Ironforge being the location of our central office / hub.

Khaz Modan includes the zones of Dun Morogh and Loch Modan, but also includes patrols and stations within the contested zones of Khaz Modan such as Badlands, Searing Gorge, Burning Steppes, the Wetlands, and Twilight Highlands.

Joining the 'guard' faucet of the guild is limited to dwarf and gnome characters.

Membership in any other capacity of the guild is open to all who are citizens of Ironforge or the Realm. We're even open to those who are not citizens, yet hold mercantile interests within the city or realm.

Wildhammer styled characters are welcome in the guard.
Dark Iron styled characters are welcome in the guard.
**All classes are welcome in the guard.

(**With the current status of the political air in Ironforge, being under the rule of the Three Hammers, I see no reason currently to restrict classes.)

Since this is a Role Play focused guild admittance will be given only after an informal OOC introduction, followed by an IC introduction and an IC interview is conducted.

Applications to the guard facet of the guild will be limited to Dwarven and Gnomish characters.

Applications to the citizen / business facet of the guild is open to all races.
ICly this is limited to 'law abiding' characters, however OOC those of a dubious nature will be entertained.

Applications in general will be accepted informally and OOC on this thread. Again an IC/OOC introduction and interview process will be carried out.

Feel free to contact me on any of the characters listed below in-game anytime ic or ooc, btag or /whisper me, mail me ic or ooc, or post on this thread.

Ødin (IFG guild leader)

All of your thoughts, encouragement, suggestions, and support is greatly appreciated as we take on this opportunity to build and establish this IF centered -RP- guild.

Thank you all! :)
**note: For 'reasons', the IFG guild leader has changed to Ødin over from Kelvalnan. Fear not, their player is one in the same. :)
Edited by Kelvalnan on 12/30/2014 4:49 PM PST
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50 Dwarf Paladin
08/09/2014 10:05 AMPosted by Derscha

Technically this story line was never resolve on the Ironforge side before the previous incarnation of the guild went poof, although it's been quite a while now :)

And now I miss Spriggel, for that was the storyline that promoted her to Ironforge Office Manager. /sob.

Pursuant to the matter raised by Dersha in the [Old IFG Thread] (quoted above), I will be working on and posting a resolution where the <Ironforge Guard> is concerned in this thread, even though it may be 2 years too late. I hope it will be satisfactory. :)

edit: Clarification.
Edited by Kelvalnan on 8/19/2014 11:17 AM PDT
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100 Gnome Priest
I, Khromie Overspark, Anointed Crown Princess of the Tram Between Ironforge and Stormwind, imbued by the magical wintery snowflake powers of Father Winter "Tom" of the Pea Farmers, hereby approve this message!
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50 Dwarf Paladin
*recorded as dictated by Sergeant Kelvalnan Snowbear, in Dwarvish, in the rune script of the Dwarf, with a gnomish binary-transliteration matrix*

Minutes: Meeting of the Guard
on this the Twenty-Second Day
of the Eighth Month
of the Two Thousand and Fourteenth Year
at Nineteen Hundred Hours (Seven Bells Evening)
According to Dwarvish reckoning
On-Duty Station, Great Forge

This meetin' will come to order.
This meetin' will come to order.

Welcome everyone. Happy everyone here coold make it.

There ur a few nae amon' us at this time; due either to special guard related duties an' responsibilities, trainin', or extenuatin' personal matters. To these we express gratitude for their service, best wishes, an' hopes that they kin attend the next Meetin' of the Guard.

Business of the Guard



Stand an' be recognized.

Havin' demonstrated an adequate level of skill an' ability, an' with the recommendation of yer commandin' officer Sergeant Kelvalnan Snoobear, we, hereby officially welcome ye to join oor ranks in the capacity of Cadet.

<applause while commiserative velum scroll is handed to each>

Mega Molord.

Stand an' be recognized.

The Cooncil of Three Hammers has reposed special trust an' confidence in your patriotism, valor, fidelity an' professional excellence. In view of these qualities an' your demonstrated leadership potential an' dedicated service to the City Guard of Ironforge, you ur therefore advanced from Cadet to Guard within the City Guard of Ironforge.

Advancement made effective immediately on this the Twenty-Second Day of the Eighth Month in the Two Thoosand an' Foorteenth Year accordin' to Dwarven reckonin', the recommendation put forth by yer commandin' officer, Sergeant Kelvalnan Snoobear of the Ironforge City Guard.

<applause while being handed a finely cut and polished stone tablet engraved with Dwarven runes, rank highlighted with fine Orange-Gold ink>

Sprocketeer. Stand an' be recognized.

For commendable achievement in the superior performance of yer duties while servin' as a Knight in the Army of the Alliance, ye ur hereby advanced from Cadet to Corporal within the City Guard of Ironforge. Advancement made effective immediately on this the Twenty-Second Day of the Eighth Month in the Two Thoosand an' Foorteenth Year accordin' to Dwarven reckonin', the recommendation put forth by yer commandin' officer, Sergeant Kelvalnan Snoobear of the Ironforge City Guard.

Corporal Sprocketeer performed her duties faithfully in a highly professional manner in keeping with the highest traditions of the Ironforge City Guard, an' is therefore awarded this Commendation.

<applause while being handed a finely cut marble tablet engraved in gnomish binary with rank copper inlaid>

Sergeant Kelvalnan Snoobear. Stand an' be recognized.

In view of the qualities soo demonstrated by yer service an' dedication to yer felloo guards, to the citizens of Ironforge, to the Realm of Khaz Modan, an' to the trust placed in ye by the Cooncil of Three Hammers, ye ur hereby advanced from Sergeant to Staff Sergeant within the City Guard of Ironforge. Advancement made effective immediately on this the Twenty-Second Day of the Eighth Month in the Two Thoosand an' Foorteenth Year accordin' to Dwarven reckonin', he recommendation put forth by yer commandin' officer in the Ironforge City Guard.

<applause while being handed a finely crafted tablet of silver with bronze inlaid rank>
Edited by Kelvalnan on 8/22/2014 10:45 PM PDT
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50 Dwarf Paladin
Further Business...


I have been looking through various websites along with using the mogit addon, carefully considering our IC uniform sets. This is what I have come across so far. Keep in mind this is an on-going process. All of it is subject to alteration.

For a baseline uniform I am keeping with the standard of using full and complete named sets.
The sets being considered can either be crafted from blacksmithing, leatherworking, or tailoring, or farmed as boe drops from lower level instances.

The instance of focus at the moment is Uldaman.
I have been running Uldaman the past few days here and there and found that several items of several interesting sets drop there. For now I am keeping -every- boe item that drops, stashing it in the guild bank for consideration as well as considering those few bop items dropped from bosses.

Where Gnomes are concerned, I will eventually be looking into what drops out of Gnomeregan. Until a determination is made feel free to assume anything dropped from there is safe, though we want to be keeping as close to the “Ironforge Guard” theme as possible.

While this set doesn't drop in Uldaman, I very much like what is offered by the website wowroleplaygear.com; found here:( http://wowroleplaygear.com/2010/10/10/ironforge-guard/ ) and I see no current need to change it. Other items can be appropriately substituted to maintain a similar appearance until an adequate character level is reached to don the entire set.

Mail, Leather, and Cloth:
If it drops from Uldaman then it is in pool for serious consideration.
Many of these sets retain a dwarven style and feel, but step away from the “Ironforge” color theme. My thought currently is that this is ok.

Some of the mail and plate sets have an almost distinct “Dark Iron” feel. Other mail and leather set items that have dropped for me hold an almost “Wildhammer” feel. Several cloth items that have dropped for me have a rather Dark Iron theme, and so I'm considering these for my cloth sets.

At the moment I may settle on more than one "set" for each armor type, allowing the player to mix and match to an extent according to his character. Kelvalnan, for instance, is a mix of Dark Iron and Bronzebeard. Though he identifies most strongly with the Bronzebeard in him, it would be appropriate for him to don certain armor pieces or carry a particular weapon that is Dark Iron distinct. Where he a Wildhammer, then certain leather items would be appropriate.

The key for each character, if they so desired, would be tying these elements together so they look good under the theme of "Ironforge Guard".

I very much like this.

With the state of the Council of Three Hammers, I think its very appropriate to represent all three of these dwarven factions and so that is the direction in which I am currently heading. I know there are other items that drop in other instances which are more appropriately themed for Wildhammer and Dark Iron, but for now (for my sanity) I'm just entertaining things that come from Uldaman. Once I feel I have a solid grasp of what's available to me there, and decide what works well and not so much, then I'll be moving onward.

Arms (weapons):
The Callous Ax is easy enough to obtain. Sold by three different vendors in limited quantities. All a matter of catching them when they're available.

Almost any other single handed weapon in the form of an Ax or Mace can be utilized. Its model however needs to maintain a simple and utilitarian appearance. Exceptions can be made on a case by case basis, but nothing to fantastic, ostentatious, loud or otherwise “out of character”. I know that's a broad term, “out of character”, but think in terms of “dwarf” and “Ironforge”. If it fits, it fits. If not, then no.

The Royal Treasury Courier's Shield is a quest reward item. It is easy enough to obtain, but sadly you only have one shot... so choose wisely. If you've already completed it then you'll need to make do with something similar or not one at all, which is just fine.

Alternately a simple kite shield can be purchased from a shield vendor in Old Town, Stormwind, and possibly in Ironforge though I'm not sure where at this moment. Likely in the Military Ward.

Two handed axes, maces, and polearms are also a viable option though these are typically reserved (I would think) for Mountaineers and Expeditionary Mountaineers. Inside the city its encouraged to carry some sort of one hander at least.

**Gnomes are always the exception to the rule to some extent, but the same 'basics' still applies. Nothing too loud or fantastic. Think “gnome” and “Gnomeregan”... not “space cadet”. :P … though sometimes those can be one in the same thing.
Edited by Kelvalnan on 8/22/2014 11:26 PM PDT
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50 Dwarf Paladin
A note on ranks:

You'll notice from the IC portion that Kelvalnan got a promotion! As guild leader my rank advancement is a reflection of the Guild Level. <Ironforge Guard> recently leveled from 4 to 5, and so the guild leader also advances a rank! The guild leader's previous rank then becomes available, and is attainable by guild members. Now that Kelvalnan is a Staff Sergeant, the rank of Sergeant is attainable.

Thats the idea at least, following the pattern bellow:

Guild level 5 – Staff Sergeant
Guild level 6 – Sergeant First Class
Guild level 7 – Master Sergeant
Guild level 8 – First Sergeant
Guild level 9 – Sergeant Major

Guild level 10 is a different ball game. At guild level 10 the guild leader ICly gains their commission in the Ironforge City Guard. I'll throw in a little reminder right now that this is purely for RP purposes :) If you haven't guessed it by now, I'm taking this straight from the Army rank system.

Guild Levels 4 - 9 are Enlisted NCO Ranks.
Guild Level 10 and on, every 2 guild levels the guild leader will advance a rank as a Commissioned Officer.

I'm tinkering with the idea of making Warrant Officer ranks available at some point after Guild Level 10, but renaming them as simply Mountaineer and Expeditionary (Mountaineer). Ranks among Warrant Officers could be noted in the “officer's note”.

Guild level 10 – Second Lieutenant
Guild level 12 – First Lieutenant
Guild level 14 – Captain
Guild level 16 – Major
Guild level 18 – Lieutenant Colonel
Guild level 20 – Colonel

Guild level 21-25 is still up for debate. I may do nothing more with the guild leader ranks at this point simply because they would be entering the realm of “Generals” and it just doesn't seem right. There ought to be a cap somewhere... but for now its an open window.
Edited by Kelvalnan on 8/22/2014 11:51 PM PDT
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50 Dwarf Paladin
That should just about cover everything I wanted to talk about and put out there for guild members. Even if you're not a guildie, feel free to respond. This is an open thread.

Questions, concerns, thoughts, ideas, especially praise, feel free to post here! :)

Thank you

*** Oh! Final note. Those Promotion Tablets mentioned in the IC portion above actually do exist via Gryphonheart Items (GHI). They need some slight adjustments because, as with everything, they're constantly changing and improving... but I have them! :D
Ready to pass them out to those with the addon, when I can work out a minor bug... *sigh*
Edited by Kelvalnan on 8/22/2014 11:57 PM PDT
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50 Dwarf Paladin
Staff Sergeant Kelvalnan Snowbear flipped the pages in the file.

Thick meaty dwarven fingers browsed old case files. Fingers which were at one time more apt at swing a wood cutter's ax to fell a tree or wielding a cold iron pick deep within Gol'Bolar quarry. There was a time not so long ago when he could wrestle a Kharanos Wendigo to the ground and make him cry for his mother... or so he likes to tell. Admittedly these were hands that were growing all too accustomed to pushing paper and filing reports.

Kelvalnan tossed the fill onto one corner of his table. He pushed his weight back in his chair, lifting the front legs off the floor a few inches, and mused at his "office". To his left a wall of file cabinets. To his right across the room a table holding a simple gnomish coffee machine with pegs on the wall holding various wooden mugs. A bear skin sprawled across the floor, spanning the distance between. At his back several large open windows looked out onto the streets below. His desk? A simple table and assorted chairs.

His "office". Kelvalnan smirked to himself. When it wasn't his office it doubled as the post breakroom. The floor below him sat a short desk at the entryway where say the gnomish secretary, Gimdozz Cogsteel. It was a hub of activity below. Guards coming and going, clocking in and clocking out, submitting reports and daily logs. Now and then the routy dwarf would stumble in, hands manacled behind his back. Usually inebriated.

Kelvalnan heaved a sigh and plopped his seat down to the floor. In front of him sat a sizeable pile of old files. A mix of various reports and case folders. Gimdozz found them while reorganizing the filing system. All the while the gnome mumbled something about efficiency... and quantum... scientific... whatever. Kelvalnan shook his head and heaved another sigh, taking the pile from the gnome's hands.

It was never ending, and the files only seemed to get thicker in direct proportion to his new rank. He wondered if it would ever cease, or would they simply keep getting thicker.

Rubbing his eyes, doing his best to banish his meandering thoughts, Kelvalnan took up another file and opened it. He read...
11/12/2012 04:41 PMPosted by Buldin
With the authority of the Council of the Three Hammers granted to the Ironforge Guard,

Derscha Kettlebomb, CEO of the Anytime Anywhere Messenger Service, is wanted for obstruction of justice, as defined by the act of impeding an open investigation.

Nynra Lightheart, of Conclave, is wanted for treason, defined as

...and he continued to read. Flipping page after page, he read. A thick hand caressed his thick bronzed beard.

After a time he closed the file and stared at the blank cover in thought.
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50 Dwarf Paladin
"Carulo!" He barked, pausing a moment. No response.
"Sparkpipe!" He barked even louder. This time he put a little growl to his tone.
"Coming sir!" The faint voice replied.

Charging up the stairs came another gnome. Along with a few other office technicians, Carulo Sparkpipe helped take care of all the menial tasks of the post. By menial I mean all the really important day to day tasks that keep the post running smoothly, but no one else could be bothered to do. The the brown haired clean shaven gnome bounded to the top step and promptly saluted.

"I need a mailin' pouch for this case file, some parchment, an ink pen, seal wax..."

Sparkpipe blinked at the dwarf, slowly lowering his hand. "But sir, everything you need is in that cabinet. Over there." He pointed to the wall of file cabinets.

"I know that they must be, but I don't know where exactly. Between you and Gimdozz its a wonder I can ever find the front door. Constantly moving things and reorganizing." Carulo chuckled as he strolled over to a file cabinet.

"Oh sir..." He pulled a stool over and stood atop. The file cabinet slid open and he pulled out the envelope and parchment.

"... you know we would never move the door on you. Why, to do so would require an incredible about of re-engineering and remodeling and frankly there just isn't enough in our budget."

He pulled open a few more odd drawers and collected the rest of the items, placing them on the table. "Though, now that you mention it..." The gnome began rubbing his chin.

"Oh no." Kelvalnan waggled his ink pen at the gnome. "There'll be none of that! Every time you rub your chin something drastic changes. For once, let it go. T'was merely a comment..."

"... to illustrate your point. No worries, Staff Sergeant." Carulo turned and started down the stairs while Kelvalnan began penning a letter. "It'll take months for our request to go through anyway."

Kelvalnan's hand slipped at that last comment and stroked a thick line of ink across the page. The stone paled dwarf glared at the stairs and huffed. Tossing the ball of paper to the side he started over again.

Second Lieutenant Branahrtharm Hammerbeard

Included with this letter you will find an old case file...
Edited by Kelvalnan on 8/28/2014 8:27 PM PDT
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50 Dwarf Paladin
Several days pass.

Staff Sergeant Kelvalnan Snowbear enters the post building late in the afternoon. Secretary Gimdozz Cogsteel sat at his station arguing with a pair of drunken dwarfs that had been brought in by a city guard to be booked. Deaf to the noise and commotion, the staff sergeant strolled in behind it all but didn't escape Gimdozz's notice.

Above to rukus he called out from behind his tall desk. "Package for you Kel!" To which the dwarf replied with a grunt.

After stowing his gear, climbing the stairs, and retrieving his mug of coffee, Kelvalnan plopped down in his usual seat to glare at the fresh stack of papers and case files that greeted him. A few long sips later he noticed the sealed package perched precariously atop the stack. He pulled it down to him and, setting his coffee aside, he popped the wax seal on the back.

It was the case file he'd mailed to his superior, Second Lieutenant Hammerbeard. Atop the file was a coppy of a chain of letters, the foremost relevant to him was on top. He read...

Staff Sergeant Kelvalnan Snowbear

I browsed through the file you sent me and do in fact remember such a case. After a cursory review I sent the file to my chain of command where Captain Gorkam Sterngrip rendered his judgement. A copy of the correspondence and judgement has been included and is to be filed with the case as it has been recorded within its chronology.

Have your secretary send a form notice to the persons involved to make them aware of this ruling.

Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.

Branahrtharm Hammerbeard, Second Lieutenant
Southern District Command, Ironforge Guard

Tossing the envelope aside he flipped through the pages to find the judgement rendered. He mumbled as he read.

"Dersha Kettle... *mumble* ...AAMS... *mumble* ...ban and restrictions lifted. All charges, accusation, and judgements rendered are therefore overturned and nullified. ... *mumble* ...Lightheart of... *mumble* ...no longer wanted for treason... *mumble* ...record expunged... *mumble* ...blah blah blah..."

Kelvalnan plopped the case file and papers onto the table. "Case closed." He mumbled through the thick locks of his bronze beard. He sighed with relief. It was always a relief to finally close another matter, even if it was two years in the making. He rubbed his forehead grumbling that it should have never taken this long, cursing how any file could be overlooked and buried as this one had. Yet deep in the back of his mind he knew that things like this are bound to happen from time to time. One commander leaves, another takes their place and re-staffs, things will naturally get lost in the shuffle.

Finding his stack of parchments he pushed the fresh stack of papers from one side of the table to the other looking for his ink pen. Kelvalnan wasn't about to pass this over to his secretary. Having him send out form letters to these people seemed so... cold. They could have been waiting all these years to hear something and they deserved at the very least a personally scripted letter. But not before he found his ink pen.

The stack of papers finally toppled, splashing sheets of parchment over the floor. The dwarf grumbled a curse in dwarven before yelling with a growl.

"Sparrkpipe! Wherre's mah ink pen!"
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50 Dwarf Paladin
((Fun names thankfully provided with little alterations by http://fantasynamegenerators.com !))
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100 Gnome Priest
((I look forward to being able to visit IF in an IC capacity again shortly. ^.^ Kelvalnan and Derscha should share a cake! And I giggled at Sparkpipe! ))
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50 Dwarf Paladin
OOC: Note to the Guard...
There was a little RP event planned for tonight. Unavoidable RL stuff has preempted it. I'll reschedule the gathering soon. I should be online tomorrow night. My apologies.
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100 Draenei Warrior
08/28/2014 09:47 PMPosted by Derscha
((I look forward to being able to visit IF in an IC capacity again shortly. ^.^ Kelvalnan and Derscha should share a cake! And I giggled at Sparkpipe! ))

(( I'm visiting >.< ))
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50 Dwarf Paladin
Kelvalnan Snowbear, Staff Sergeant and Commander of the south commons Ironforge guard post, entered the building at the end of his shift as he had any other day.

It was quieter than usual. A dwarf and an intoxicated gnome stood at the short entry desk, arguing furiously with each other. On the other side of the short desk stood (upon an elevated platform) a rather dispassionate Gimdozz Cogsteel, Veteran gnome of the Ironforge Guard. The old gnome had partially retired, voluntarily taking a demotion to serve out the rest of his career behind the front desk. It was nearing the end of his shift as well, and so he had entered his stoic state of sober disinterest.

To be perfectly honest Grimdozz was always disinterested. If it wasn't a major crime or flagrant violation of City Laws and Regulations, he simply did not care; however at the beginning of his shift he at least put on the mask of concern an interest... to a point.

Kelvalnan strolled by behind the arguing pair, meeting the acknowledging glance of the veteran gnome. The stone pale dwarf could tell the old gnome's mask of concern and interest was slipping, and so chose to not interfere. Tired as he was, he might only make the situation worse. The old gnome did however shoot a glace upward, letting Kelvalnan know that he had a visitor up stairs.

After a quick stop at the armor locker to remove and stow his gear, Staff Sergeant Snowbear made his way up to his 'office'.

Standing beside the table that was, for now, his 'desk' (piled high with fresh stacks of paperwork, the sight of which made Kel groan inwardly) was the familiar figure of an old friend, turned supervisor.

"Kel." The graveled voice intoned, deep and partially hoarse. "Ye have the look of a weary vagrant."

Kelvalnan greeted with a smile and a nod, despite his exhausted appearance. "Second Lieutenant Hammerbeard."

The aging dwarf shot him a glare. "Here now. Old friend. It be just the two of us. Nae need tae be so formal."

"Branahrtharm." Kelvalnan returned the familiar greeting. "Aye. It's been a long dae, the details bein' unimportant." He strolled to the coffee table and grabbed a mug, pouring himself some of the black brew. "Wha' brings ye to these parts?"

Kelvalnan offered the mug to his old friend, who politely declined with a gesture.

"I come bearing a gift." Branahr gestured to a small package sitting on his desk. It was hidden from view when he first entered behind the towers of paperwork. Atop the small package sat a sealed envelope. Kelvalnan silently took a few long sips of his coffee and eyed the package and envelope dubiously. When finally curiosity gave way he stepped to the side of the table and picked up the envelope, setting down his mug.

He popped the seal, pulled out the folded letter and read, recognizing immediately that it had been scripted in dwarven runes upon official letterhead of the Council.

The letter read:

Staff Sergeant Kelvalnan Snowbear.

In view of the qualities you have demonstrated by yer service and dedication to yer fellow guards, to the citizens of Ironforge, to the Realm of Khaz Modan, an' to the trust placed in ye by the we, the Council of Three Hammers, ye are hereby advanced from Staff Sergeant to Sergeant First Class within the City Guard of Ironforge.
Advancement of rank and pay made effective immediately on this the First Day of the Ninth Month in the Two Thousand an' Fourteenth Year accordin' to Dwarven reckonin', the recommendation put forth by yer commandin' officer in the Ironforge City Guard: Branahrtharm Hammerbeard, Second Lieutenant.


Kelvalnan could hardly contain his grin. This was a welcome relief of good news after this long day that amounting to a rather rough week. He glanced, catching the gaze of his old friend.
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50 Dwarf Paladin
"Congratulations Kel. I know how hard you've been working and your road hasn't been an easy ride, so this is well deserved. Keep up the good works me boy and you'll be replacing me in no time."

Kelvalnan eyed Branahr suspiciously. "Fixing on retirement?"

"HAH!" The aging dwarf erupted. "Tha'll be the dae!" He stepped forward and slapped Kelvalnan's shoulder with his heavy hand. "Nae. I've been fixin' to promote! The higher ups want me to climb the ranks but I won't do it until I know the right dwarf has taken my position."

Kelvalnan grinned. "Waiting on me are ye?"

"Aye, but hurry it up." Branahr turned to the stairs speaking over his shoulder. "I can only hold out for so long."

As his old friend and supervisor disappeared down the stairs Kelvalnan replaced the letter into the envelope and hefted the small package. The tablet of his rank, he knew. No need to open it just yet. He breathed a heavy sigh, but what little relief it brought faded when he eyed the towers of paperwork once more.

"Be damned." He muttered, tossing the envelope onto the table beside the package. It all can wait until tomorrow. He barked as he made for the stairs.

"COGSTEEL, YE OL' GOAT! Drop what yer doin'! We have some celebratin' to do!"


((IFG hit level 6!... so Kel gets a promotion :D Furthermore we hit level 6 on the quest in Kharanos for Beer Basted Boar Ribs!! I am officially declaring September first as IFG's Bear Basted Boar Ribs Day in commemoration!! :D I think I'll make it our guilds official food as well. Beer Basted Boar Ribs all around!!))
Edited by Kelvalnan on 9/2/2014 3:13 PM PDT
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50 Dwarf Paladin
The next day tensions mounted as he had to confront Corporal Sprocketeer.

The report from the Stormwind Watch told a tale that was difficult to believe. Actually, no, it was quite believeable. Gnome logic often ran on different levels than dwarves or even man. It was a reality that Kelvalnan was very much accustomed to dealing with, yet Sprocketeer he knew was quite different. She possessed a rare quality that he had hoped to be able to foster. A quality that would allow her to become an incredibly effective Guard of the city and the realm. It was difficult to understand.

Perhaps he allowed that vision to cloud his better judgement. That same quality she possessed could also make her very dangerous and unpredictable. He worried if he had made a mistake in hiring her. At any rate, she had to be taken into custody and given over to the Stormwind Watch for questioning.

For the most part it went smoothly. He'd expected some form of resistance, but she was all too keen on the idea of answering Orwyn's questions. Her confidence in her innocence gave him some hope. When Orwyn finally placed her under arrest however, he was shattered.

Law enforcement as a whole was not always equivalent between the two societies. What was illegal in Stormwind wasn't necessarily so in Ironforge. Customs and courtesies were also largely different, sometimes in ways that confounded or even offended the other.

Through it all in the end they were staunch allies that supported each other. There was a heart to their laws and their enforcement which was universal. A desire to do good, to keep safe the people we cared for and safeguard the kingdoms we called home. To this end it was his duty, no matter how difficult, to take one of his own into custody and escort her to a different realm to face whatever justice awaited.

Now that she sat in their stockades, he wondered what would become of her. Whatever judgement was rendered, she would surely face certain reprimands from the Guard. By and large they could be rather forgiving for past grievances, even for current offenses; but their generosity extended only so far. In the back of his mind too he worried about how this would reflect upon himself. As her supervisor and unit commander he was responsible for her employ. This is something that he should have discovered sooner. He may pay dearly for his haste.

Then again, he may not. Time will tell. For the moment he had other pressing matters to tend.

Sitting at his table sifting through the mounds of paperwork, he called the office clerk and handed over a letter.

"See to it that this arrives at the North Pass fort." The gnome clerk nodded and disappeared down the stairs, letter firmly in hand.

It was an assignment for an old friend. An old dwarf well suited for the challenge. He was a dwarf of many strange and seemingly unique talents. A wandering mystery that went by no name in particular. A vagrant and nomad by nature that often prefered to dodge society as a whole. Kelvalnan saw in him the heart of a true and hardy dwarf. As with Sprocketeer, Kelvalnan saw that this one had his uses in the service of the realm, and so (perhaps against his better judgement) Kel hired him as a guard, promoting him straight into the Mountaineer Corps. where he could wander the wilderness of Khaz Modan, free to come and go as he pleased.

He was required to give a name for his employment. He gave only one.

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50 Dwarf Paladin
Sergeant First Class Kelvalnan Snowbear eased the large ram mount, Troggstomp, onto the tram.

The presence of the large creature edge out anyone else that might have otherwise boarded along side the dwarf. They opted to wait for the next tram to Ironforge from Stormwind rather than stand beside a large skittish smelly mountain ram.

The beast seemed comforted enough in the hands of his trusted rider, Kelvalnan. Such trust was not a thing so easily earned, but when it had been a skilled rider could edge the ram over the most impossible rises or across extremely treacherous cliff ledges that would frighten any other horse to its death.

In this case, that impossible feat was to stand stationary atop a moving platform while it carried you through a tube at high speeds.

The cart lurched forward gradually gaining speed. Kelvalnan calmed the beast. It was as much a soothing gesture for himself. The evening had not gone completely as planned....

He had arrived a little bit early for a joint function, a sort of law enforcement conference hosted by the Stormwind Watch and he had been invited to represent the Ironforge Guard. An honor for certain, and he was more than happy for the chance to get to know more of the Watch. It was important to keep cooperative lines of communication open at all times.

Midway through the discussion a name uttered in the cacophony of chatter that caught his ear. Momlir. It sparked a memory. A picture and the name associated. Noikona Momlir. She was the one who had escaped Ironforge Guard custody. The fugitive that even now a mountaineer hunted.

That couldn't be her.

He dismissed the notion, but it was too late. The idea had been planted. The longer he stood in the function the more he wondered. Tension built until finally he had to go check for himself. Stepping away from the function he hedged a bet that she wouldn't be further inside the keep, and so opted to step outside.

Standing at the foot of the stairs was none other than the fugitive herself, casually talking (as it appeared) with a night elf Watch. Something ignited within him. Something that he didn't know was even there. The sight of her angered him. She, who had the brazen audacity to slip the guard and escape custody.

NO! Not again! Is all he could think.

Breaking into a bull rush Kelvalnan tore down the stairs and attempted to tackle the fugitive. A failed attempt but now he was close to her, and blocking her escape route. A furious determination washed over him. She would not slip away so easily this time!

There she stood, plain as day. No manacles. No restraints. The two chatting as if they were old buddies. Not on my watch!

He didn't have any jurisdiction in Stormwind, he knew it. Normally he would have respected that limitation. This was not only a wanted fugitive of Ironforge, but known to be so by the Watch! He would sooner die than to see that woman take another step without being placed under proper arrest!

Needless to say the matter escalated from there.

No fight broke out, though he was geared and ready for a brawl. The fugitive Noikona Momlir was compliant enough and so escorted under watchguard (with Kelvalnan's mounted ram breathing down her neck) to the Watch offices for extensive questioning. All throughout Sergeant Kelvalnan Snowbear stood blocking the only exit, hawkishly watching his fugitive.

She evaded and played the game of wills masterfully, but in the end she was -finally- placed under arrest and escorted to the stockades. A sight that he thoroughly enjoyed witnessing. Her sneers, vile insults, and futile attempts to kick him fell on a wide bearded grin whose only retort was a boisterous laugh.

Nearing the stockades an uneasy sense of loss began to sink in. It was a strange sensation. She was as much the Watch's fugitive as she was the Guard's. Murder did trump a jail escape after. She was in there for assaulting an officer, a grave matter, but even so murder still trumped.

Even so...

That sense of unease ate at him all the way back to Ironforge on the tram. She would serve her time with them and then she would serve her time in Ironforge. Extradition shouldn't be an issue. Normally. There was a sense in the air that here might be an issue. After all, the Stormwind Watch had a different way with things. Minor things, but difference enough. The whole matter simply ate at him and he couldn't put his finger on it.

A stop by Bruuk's Corner might help him solve the issue, or at the very least help him forget about it until tomorrow.
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50 Dwarf Paladin
Off-Duty, Kelvalnan Snowbear enjoyed his second tankard of stout lager.

Bruuk's Corner sat strangle quiet. Strange but welcomed. He needed time alone to stew over thoughts about the night before in Stormwind. Council from his friend and supervisor, Lieutenant Branahrtharm Hammerbeard, came suddenly to mind.

Lessons on bein' an officer and leader, meh boy. Ye win some, ye lose some. Even when a win seems small an' one sided, ets important tae keep perspective. A win is'a win regardless o' which side ye stand.
Remember, ye can always choose yer battles. When ye de, be strong enough tae accept the results, come what may. This daena mean ye give up nae give in. Pick yerself up an' move forward. We dwarf have a long memory afterall, soo use et. Their time'll come round again. Ye'll see, lad.

His words rang true enough as Kelvalnan took another long draw from his tankard of stout. He couldn't waste time and resources focusing on this one criminal. She was just one among many who assault city guards everyday. This is Ironforge after all. A dwarf wouldn't be a dwarf unless he sullied himself in brew and started a street brawl every other night. It was almost a dwarven right!

Kelvalnan chuckled to himself, his mood improving somewhat.

Between his fingers he flipped a curious business card over and over, reading its front, inspecting its back. It was a metallic silver card printed with bright yellow ink and stamped with black cogwheels.
It reads:

Gets you out of any situation!*
Does not include druids stuck up trees
Contact Special Agent Quintesla Flashracket
in Ironforge, or just yelp!

"A division of S.A.F.E.... ur was'it a branch...?" The dwarf mumbled to himself examining the card.

This was well worth looking into...
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100 Dwarf Paladin
In light of recent developments concerning the Iron Horde and the emergence of Draenor, the which both post great threats to our city, our kingdom, our dwarven way and our very existence, this division of the Ironforge Guard is undergoing a restructure. No longer will it be our call, our charge, and our duty to safeguard the citizens of this great kingdom within the boundaries of this realm alone. As Guards, Mountaineers, and Expeditionaries we will go forth and join the ranks of the Alliance to proudly fight along their side on the front lines to strengthen their resolve and fortify their defences as only a true Dwarf can.

Mightily we shall carry forth into battle with the emblem of this our beloved kingdom as a stalwart symbol of strength for the Alliance, of protection for our homes and the innocent, and hope for all. We go carrying the might and will of the Council of Three Hammers as our hammer and shield.


The old dwarf sat and read the declaration quietly to himself. His wooden chair creaked as he shifted his weight. Dressed in his usual green Mountaineer's uniform his usual stoic expression unphased. The brow over his one good eye, his left eye, tilted with curious interest. He shot a glance at Sgt. Kelvalnan Snowbear seated across the table from him. The air was still in the cramped second floor landing, which posed both as his office and the registry for the post.

"Well?" Kelvalnan asked. "What say ye?"

Old one-eye grumbled through his thick gray beard. HIs voice deep and rough. "I ain't read the full breifin'." Grasping the long page in his gauntleted hand he snapped the paper with the flick of the wrist. "If'n ya don't mind, a wee bit of silence."

Kelvalnan sighed as Ødin turned back to reading. "Odin, if ye skip to nearest the end we can be gettin' to the reason I called ye in out of the field."

The old dwarf grunted and scanned quickly to the bottom. He glared at the page astonished.

"Yer bein' transfered?" He continued to read. "An' I'm takin' over yer command?!" He belted out.
"THIS IS PREPOSTEROUS! How can they do a thin' like this tae me? Donae they knoo who I am?"

Kelvalnan leaned forward with a grin. "Precisely. They knoo exactly who you are, ye ol'goat. They knoo because I told'm as much."

"Ye told'm what!" Ødin growled as he leaned forward. Kelvalnan matched his ferocity.

"I told'm from the beginin' yer service credentials. I also told'm tae give ye a postin' where you'd be alone an autonomous, per yer request mind ye. It was the only way tae convince'm."

Ødin stood and slammed the page down. The stout desk shook throwing a stack of papers to the floor. "I'm nae gonna do it!"

Kelvalnan stood and leaned over the table, matching the old dwarf's outrage. "Ye can an' ye will! Or ye can turn ye tails and run back tae yer lonely solitude in the wilds. They'll find another half as qualified tae dae the job an' the city'll march on wit'out ye as it always has. Make nae difference tae me!"

Kelvalnan lifted a heavy finger and pointed at the old dwarf. "But ye'll never ferget, nae will ye ever forgive yer self for runnin' when ye could have stood an' fought the greatest threat tae this werld these generations have evar seen."

Kelvalnan stood straight and proud, looking every bit a Sergeant of the City Guard. "I could nae leave this responsibility tae any other, Odin. I'll be leavin' the morrow for officer's trainin' an' I need tae knoo this command was left in superior hands."

The old dwarf glared at the younger. The heavy gaze of his one eye withered most, but not Kelvalnan. The two knew each other better than to let mere words and emotions stand in the way. At last Ødin relented. His countenance remained stoic as if chiseled in hard stone, but he gave the young Sergeant a stiff nod.

"Aye." Ødin grumbled. "Ye be needin' a few lesson's in manners an' leadership, boy."

Kelvalnan grinned. It was a gruff acquiescence, but he would take it. Without another word exchanged the old dwarf left him to the quiet of the room and the storm of thoughts raging through his head. Kelvalnan sat hard with a deep sigh. It just didn't feel right. Switching commanders at a torrent time such as this. Granted, he hadn't been here to respond to the initial invasion as he would have liked to have been, but Ødin more than proved himself a capable commander that day. It was really all the "higher ups" needed to convince them, but Ol' One-Eye didn't need to know that he'd sunk his own ship. Kelvalnan chuckled quietly.

It was official now. He was out and Ødin was in. It was a rather small command considering the sheer population and size of the city. Only a few patrols really. Kelvalnan knew the old dwarf was more than equal to the task. These were going to be exciting times for this command, moving forward. A shame he would miss it.

Finishing a final few bits of paperwork, Kelvalnan bit the post a fond farewell.
Edited by Ødin on 12/30/2014 4:43 PM PST
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