[A-RP] <Edge of Dawn> is recruiting!

Across the cities and frequented outposts of the Alliance, fliers begin to appear on notice boards. Black, waxy scrolls bearing messages in golden ink, stamped with the sigil of a flame in gold leaf.

Heroes of the Alliance,
Many of you have served for most of your prime. The days of youth and vitality ebb. When you are deemed too feeble for battle, what will you do? What will become of your wisdom and knowledge?
A new order is rising, one that does not care for the wars and petty squables of the Horde and Alliance. We serve a greater purpose. Join us, and pass on your wisdom to the next generation of heroes. Send them into the future armed with knowledge and hope!
War will come again. Darkness creeps over our future. Our greatest heroes have reached their twilight. Night threatens to consume our world if we do nothing.
So we must rise, as the dawn rises, to usher in a new day.
We are the end of night.
We are the Edge of Dawn.

(( Edge of Dawn is comprised of heroes from within the Alliance, old and new. Veteran heroes are given oversight of rising heroes during this interim between conflict. They act as guides for younger heroes and as liaisons with players outside of the guild.
Younger heroes come to us to learn from the experiences of our veterans, thus building a stronger, more united force of champions to defend Azeroth from harm.

There are no restrictions on level, class or spec. The RP element is neither good nor evil, but neutral. Our primary focus is on current events in game and Lore, as well as character development, RP events and storylines and rping with the community.

The only requirement is that you not be trying to destroy the world. ))
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100 Worgen Druid
Hmm... Interesting... Who must interested parties contact?

((Will you guys be recruiting from Sisters of Elune as well? I'm curious.))
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((Find someone wearing our tabard and they'll notify Officers with invitation powers. Or contact me, via mail or whisper. My battletag is Ketyru#1178 if anyone has trouble finding me.
When the servers are merged and that becomes available, yes. I'm no realm purist. I play this game to enjoy content and play with friends. That's also the focus of EoD. We want to enjoy our play time and spend it with others who feel the same way.))
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(Shameless bump)
Come get to know us tonight at 4pm ST in Stormwind. Edge of Dawn members will be gathering at the empty Argent Dawn building for initiations and casual RP. Here you'll be able to meet members of the guild and hear more of what we're about.
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