A different kind of guild.

86 Worgen Warrior
Hi there CC,

First off this isn't a recruitment post, it's more of an announcement about who we are and what it is we can do for you!

N P C is comprised of characters who are solely created for IC interactions with the players of CC. The name floating above their head might not be who they happened to be playing that day.

this translates in a couple of different ways.

1. First way is that NPC will usually have someone randomly walk into the Blue Recluse and strike up a random conversation that will lead to an RP situation that will usually last for about an hour to an hour and a half. Think of it as kind of a player created quest.

In the last two weeks we've had a paladin gather up folks to find a deathknight that was planning on sacrificing a young child at the cathedral. The child was rescued by a group of people consisting mostly of The Stormwind Union. Tonight a fire mage looking for revenge was talked out of turning a worgen warrior to ash by Korah and a friendly Pandaran.

If you happen to see a member of NPC around, chances are you can be part of some off the cuff RP. We will provide the situation. You get to provide the out comes.

2. The second thing we would like to say is "USE US!" Do you need an NPC for a storyline? Someone to play a villain to your heroes? A ghost to haunt your garrison? A judge or lawyer for your trial? Let us know what you need and we can tailor a character for your event, storyline or whatever*. Just tell us name, personality, and what you need them to do. Feel free to drop us a line. If you want someone feel free to drop a line to Hawkins, Markhas, Kylorah or Jahara. Since we're only a couple of accounts at this time availability is limited to a couple of hours on Thursday - Saturday evenings.

See ya in game and feel free to ask any questions.

*absolutely no ERP.
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100 Gnome Priest
Sounds like a very neat idea for a guild! And it already sounds like you've had some fun.

I will certainly keep your guild in mind next time I'm trying to stir something up.
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86 Worgen Warrior
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This is brilliant!
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100 Gnome Priest
*scratches his bearded chin*
I tried something like this years ago and it never quite took off, but honestly I wasn't as organized as this :P

I like it!

I may have some use for N P C coming soon! I'll mail you the details when have something solid :)

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100 Draenei Paladin
This is a wonderful idea, and it turns the Recluse into something other than just a bunch of people sitting around chatting (which don't get me wrong, is fun too). I look forward to running into N P C!
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
I like it! Another!
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100 Night Elf Rogue
I might throw an alt into this guild if this is the case - are you strictly confined to Stormwind, or does your work allow you to travel?
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97 Blood Elf Priest
This is actually brilliant.

Are you restricting yourselves to Alliance interactions?
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86 Worgen Warrior
08/15/2014 11:09 AMPosted by Kyalin
I might throw an alt into this guild if this is the case - are you strictly confined to Stormwind, or does your work allow you to travel?

Right now we're mostly confined to Stormwind but we have no real restrictions on locations except the second acct doesn't have access to Pandaria.

This is actually brilliant.

Are you restricting yourselves to Alliance interactions?

We can do Horde also. Locations might be limited for a short time due to the horde alts are somewhat low level at the moment.
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97 Blood Elf Priest
08/15/2014 01:42 PMPosted by Hawkìns

We can do Horde also. Locations might be limited for a short time due to the horde alts are somewhat low level at the moment.

No no. No worries. For this, I would come to -you-.
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90 Undead Rogue
Just wanna let CC know that NPC is currently rolling up hordeside too. If ya need anything hit up Ralthrek here. Also please ignore the current guild tag. Jumped into that one to get access to heirlooms for the new NPCs and I havn't finished getting signatures for the hordeside guild.

Thanks folks.
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100 Human Warlock
I can supply Disposable minions/goons/lackeys/underlings to die.

Pretty easily. Also, if you ever need some villainy done, and have an idea, I'm always up for Tyvian here to be a bad person.

With my SoE slots, I can be both Hordeside and Alliance too!
Edited by Tyvian on 8/21/2014 8:35 AM PDT
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90 Undead Rogue
Awesome. Any assistance is appreciated.
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Brilliance in RP form.

Just for creating the concept, I award you the internet.
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90 Human Paladin
This is an absolutely -fantabulous- idea.

Not only do I have ideas in which I could use the assistance of N P C (for both Alliance and Horde), but I would also love to join in on the fun. I will be in contact. :)
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90 Undead Rogue
Cool. Also if you're trying to contact Hawkins. He's got a ì in his name. alt 141
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Have to say this is a pretty awesome idea and has the potential to lead to great things.
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100 Night Elf Druid
08/15/2014 11:09 AMPosted by Kyalin
I might throw an alt into this guild if this is the case - are you strictly confined to Stormwind, or does your work allow you to travel?

This guild sounds like an excellent idea! <rubs hands together and plots>
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100 Human Rogue
*Quietly bumps for bumping sake*
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