08/19/2014 01:46 PMPosted by
Perkid I woke early one morning, the earth lay cool and still
suddenly a tiny bird perched on my windowsill
it sang a song so happy carefree and gay
it seemed all my troubles slowly slipped away
it sang of far off places, of laughter and of fun
it seemed it's very trilling brought up the morning sun
I stirred under my covers and slowly rolled out of bed
gently closed the window and crushed it's f*cking head.
I learned a slightly different version of the same story (as an army marching cadence). I was walking around humming it to myself yesterday, which probably shows just how deep-seated my mental imbalance is.
A yellow bird, with a yellow bill.
Was perched upon my window sill.
I lured him in, with a piece of bread.
And then I smashed his little head.
The moral of the story is,
You want some head, you need some bread.
I don't need a Direhornius Runtimus, I already have one. Just thought this was funny.