Do you like tubby baby dinos?

100 Gnome Priest
I've recently come into an inheritance of a boxful of tubby baby dinos! I believe their scientific name is Direhornius Runtimus. If you have yet to acquire such a specimen and would like to, please mail me a haiku on a topic of your choosing. Supplies are limited!
Edited by Khromie on 8/18/2014 8:33 PM PDT
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90 Night Elf Warrior
Hear a dying croak
Passing moments of true bliss
"It's that frog again"
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100 Gnome Priest
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90 Night Elf Warrior
::tears up and bows in a humble thank you::
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100 Gnome Priest
Fresh Winter Snow falls
Bearding Iron Mountain Summit
Its Molten heart beats

How'd I do?
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100 Draenei Warrior
If they are puntable.
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92 Night Elf Druid
Az hungry druid
Probably not eat little
Delicious tubbies

Az not entirely
Sure how haikus supposed work
Five seven five food
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100 Gnome Priest
08/18/2014 10:27 PMPosted by Caileanmor
Fresh Winter Snow falls
Bearding Iron Mountain Summit
Its Molten heart beats

How'd I do?

10/10 cats!!! How is <Ironforge Guard> going? Let's see some studly dwarf wet t-shirt contests!

08/18/2014 11:13 PMPosted by Noikona
If they are puntable.

TIL: Zombies are bad at poetry.

08/19/2014 07:29 AMPosted by Aziriel
Az hungry druid
Probably not eat little
Delicious tubbies

Az not entirely
Sure how haikus supposed work
Five seven five food

I would rather you eat the baby dino than me, so... Here you go, Beast.
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100 Draenei Warrior
08/19/2014 09:30 AMPosted by Khromie
TIL: Zombies are bad at poetry.

I'm not a Zombie my little Khromie
If you don't like my poetry then go eat spoiled poultry
In the end, it will be penned
That my hoof will be the proof, sending you to the roof

Edited by Noikona on 8/19/2014 11:33 AM PDT
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100 Gnome Priest
I don't even care that that's not a haiku because Noko Ono wrote a love poem for me <333
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90 Gnome Mage
I woke early one morning, the earth lay cool and still
suddenly a tiny bird perched on my windowsill
it sang a song so happy carefree and gay
it seemed all my troubles slowly slipped away
it sang of far off places, of laughter and of fun
it seemed it's very trilling brought up the morning sun
I stirred under my covers and slowly rolled out of bed
gently closed the window and crushed it's f*cking head.
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100 Gnome Priest
That... that was so... so... beautiful!!!! -sobs-

ANNNNND Perkid, my fellow gnome brother from another mother, gets the last of 'em! Thanks to all for the delightful poesy here and in my inbox!
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100 Gnome Priest
Ummmmm.... So the giveaway continues, as my generous benefactor has gifted me with FIVE MORE TUBBY BABY DINOS!!!! So let's see some more original poetry, people!
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100 Gnome Priest
I should further clarify that I'd really like these to go to folks who don't have one already!
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100 Draenei Paladin
I am Holysquid
Holysquid gives the best heals
Love me, the goat squid.
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94 Dwarf Warrior
08/19/2014 01:46 PMPosted by Perkid
I woke early one morning, the earth lay cool and still
suddenly a tiny bird perched on my windowsill
it sang a song so happy carefree and gay
it seemed all my troubles slowly slipped away
it sang of far off places, of laughter and of fun
it seemed it's very trilling brought up the morning sun
I stirred under my covers and slowly rolled out of bed
gently closed the window and crushed it's f*cking head.

I learned a slightly different version of the same story (as an army marching cadence). I was walking around humming it to myself yesterday, which probably shows just how deep-seated my mental imbalance is.

A yellow bird, with a yellow bill.
Was perched upon my window sill.
I lured him in, with a piece of bread.
And then I smashed his little head.
The moral of the story is,
You want some head, you need some bread.

I don't need a Direhornius Runtimus, I already have one. Just thought this was funny.
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100 Gnome Priest
08/20/2014 07:14 AMPosted by Baernyn
A yellow bird, with a yellow bill.
Was perched upon my window sill.
I lured him in, with a piece of bread.
And then I smashed his little head.
The moral of the story is,
You want some head, you need some bread.

This is great, too! I had no idea it was a popular theme until Perkid told me. I wonder where it originated from!
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100 Goblin Warlock
Give me a dino or I'll burn down your house.
And take all your stuff to my accounting pal.
He'll invest in shady troll mojo pills.
And I'll make a killing collecting those placebo bills.
Er... um...ah...

<throws a cat at Khromie>
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100 Draenei Hunter
How do I haiku
Khromie please help me with this
I really want one
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100 Gnome Priest
Thel, you know how to
Haiku, don't even play, son.
Get on my level.
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