Hi CC - long time no see, how's it going?

84 Undead Hunter
Old player from Vanilla/BC/Wrath popping their heads in. The spouse and I have been on WRA for the past 4 years now (just after it opened), but we always have/had a longing to "come home" to CC. We left, initially, because most of our friends and former guilds were long gone to other games or servers.

I hear you guys are being merged with SoE tomorrow. Hopefully that will help the population problem that I know you (and a lot of older servers) are having.

But beyond that - how's the RP been? Are there still a couple of RP guilds active on blue and red side? We're thinking of rolling some alts here since we've never felt very at-home on WRA, but don't have the money right now (we have a young kiddo - diapers are stupid expensive :( ) to transfer some characters over.

Thanks in advance for the info!
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100 Goblin Shaman
Horde's been, as you may note in other threads, pretty slow lately, although I'm looking forward to the influx of Horde RPers from SoE. Most of the activity I see is still centered around the two weekly Horde events: Tuesday night clinics in Thunder Bluff hosted by Da Doctas and Saturday night Lounge Nights hosted by the AAMS. The best time to find people Hordeside is in the evenings and poking at /HordeOOC.

Alliance is pretty active and easy to find people in /AllianceOOC, with a much larger population. I will be surprised if this thread goes on much longer without someone in blue posting a welcome!

I expect there will be a bit of a shake-up as CC & SoE start integrating, and I'm looking forward to it!
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84 Undead Hunter
Oh wow, Da Doctas and AAMS are still around? That's awesome. I played both factions on this server way back when and had good experiences with both of those guilds.

I hope that SoE will bring in some more RPers for you guys as well. I see a lot of CC'ers on the CRZ but since I can't see if they have an RP addon like MRP, I don't know who might be actively looking for RP or not.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Supposedly, SoE is even worse off than we are, but those few I've seen so far seem willing and VERY eager to not be left alone anymore.
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84 Undead Hunter
Yeah I have no doubt that after being stuck on a "dead" server for so long most folks over there are pretty excited to have a chance to meet other RPers/people in general again.

Hopefully WOD will also help bring some people back to all the servers. Even WRA, busy as it is, has felt a bit "dead" lately in terms of RP and RP guilds.

I see LO is still about as well, I definitely remember them from back in the day. In fact, they led the very first world PVP attack I ever saw in WoW. Hubby and I were on our newly rolled deaders and in Brill when we saw Imperon and his crew roll in (THEY WERE A STUNNING LEVEL 40 and we were amazed) to fight Mirkanesh and all the old Horde heroes. Good times.

We're still debating on Horde or Alliance, depending on if we can find out which guilds are still active.
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