Looking for a RP guild

I keep searching for one but it seams like no one is never on... Just been wanting to RP a lot lately
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100 Gnome Priest
Hi Kyr, welcome to CC! I'm a bit out of the loop with our Red side frenemies, but I do know that one of our biggest Alliance guilds is opening up a Horde branch, so I'd keep an eye peeled for <Lluchduu Ocheliad>.

Maybe you'd also be interested in joining the Blue side? If so, you should check out our chat channel for RPers, /AllianceOOC. Hope to see you around!
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Sorry, but I really do enjoy being a Tauren the most of all the WoW races
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100 Orc Warrior
I'll keep my eyes peeled for you. You have potential... If you're willing to fight to defend our Horde, I'll find a place for you. But if you'd rather keep our warriors and people in good health, you might seek out Da Doctas, instead. They still hold their weekly clinic on the Spirit Rise in Thunder Bluff every tuesday night.
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100 Goblin Warlock
08/20/2014 08:24 AMPosted by Kyrkona
Sorry, but I really do enjoy being a Tauren the most of all the WoW races


That's the spirit! Don't give into the blue side.

With the SoE merge tomorrow you can check out some of the remaining active Horde guilds on our server. I believe one is called the The Broken House and they hold a weekly RP event in Thunder Bluff. Another active guild is the Ghostfang Brotherhood but I'm not sure how much of the guild as a whole is into RP.


Definitely check out the AAMS as well. They have a guild for both factions but they hold a weekly RP event Horde side at Hardwrench Hideaway every Saturday 7pm CC time. It's a fun gathering I attend regularly and you can meet folks from many different guilds there too.
Edited by Mormel on 8/20/2014 1:58 PM PDT
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08/20/2014 08:24 AMPosted by Kyrkona
Sorry, but I really do enjoy being a Tauren the most of all the WoW races


That's the spirit! Don't give into the blue side.

With the SoE merge tomorrow you can check out some of the remaining active Horde guilds on our server. I believe one is called the The Broken House and they hold a weekly RP event in Thunder Bluff. Another active guild is the Ghostfang Brotherhood but I'm not sure how much of the guild as a whole is into RP.


Definitely check out the AAMS as well. They have a guild for both factions but they hold a weekly RP event Horde side at Hardwrench Hideaway every Saturday 7pm CC time. It's a fun gathering I attend regularly and you can meet folks from many different guilds there too.

I'll keep a eye out for them ^^
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