I've seen what I'll look like in three months

100 Worgen Warlock
And...well, you decide:

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100 Goblin Priest
You look angry. Have you tried some Kaja'Cola? I love the stuff, it makes my head feel all tingly. Oh! Or maybe you need to have a nice massage? I've heard that those do wonders for improving a person's mood!
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100 Human Rogue
He's always angry! but...No more flat face! (That was so Fing creepy)
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100 Worgen Warlock
And I just noticed, gnome eyes shrunk. Does that possibly mean the heads did too, so the helmets will not be so horridly out of proportion?
Edited by Rakeri on 8/20/2014 12:47 PM PDT
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100 Goblin Warlock
I'm guessing... probably not? <shrug>

I honestly have not spent much time looking at the art craft stuff but it seems like the model proportions have remained largely the same... even when people never liked it.
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100 Gnome Priest
I was just in the beta on my recreation of Cail. It looks like his head is huge compared to a humans'. I know its big now but this somehow seemed bigger....
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Yer jest ADORABLE now ain't ya?
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100 Worgen Warlock
08/21/2014 11:30 AMPosted by Plainswander
Yer jest ADORABLE now ain't ya?

Have you seen what your updated model will look like?
Edited by Rakeri on 8/24/2014 10:25 AM PDT
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97 Blood Elf Priest
Make ready my ship, general.

It is high time we show these greenskins what we are made of.
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90 Goblin Warlock
Still not as smexy as goblins.

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08/24/2014 10:25 AMPosted by Rakeri
08/21/2014 11:30 AMPosted by Plainswander
Yer jest ADORABLE now ain't ya?

Have you seen what your updated model will look like?
Sure have there pint-sized, reckon I'm okay with it. 'Sides, it ain't like I'm a ever gonna see mahself under all them helmets and #SAVAGE leathers anyhow.

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08/24/2014 11:33 AMPosted by Liore
It is high time we show these greenskins what we are made of.
And that'd be wut exactly? Candy floss and rose petals? Oh, and "arcane dust", lots and lots and lots of "arcane dust"...
...gol-durn elfs.
Edited by Plainswander on 8/25/2014 2:19 PM PDT
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100 Worgen Warlock
08/25/2014 02:17 PMPosted by Plainswander
Sure have there pint-sized, reckon I'm okay with it. 'Sides, it ain't like I'm a ever gonna see mahself under all them helmets and #SAVAGE leathers anyhow.


Redneck pandas, redneck cows...what next?
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