Role Play addons and Tools!

56 Gnome Mage
Hi-ho folks! Turwinkle is back in a new Looking for Role Play podcast episode! Thats right! In this episode we talk about the addons and tools you folks use for Role Play in World of Warcraft! From Mrp to Mogit and all things between! Come join Turwinkle, Tarcanus and Wisperi as we have a great time chatting about this and more!

You can find this and all the previous episodes of Looking for Role Play everywhere you download podcasts!, LFRP on i-tunes!

See you there! :D
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100 Gnome Priest
Ooo! MRP! Thank you for reminding me. I need to update that....

Looking forward to your podcast!
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I've switched to using XRP lately, because MRP was giving me constant UI errors. I find that I actually enjoy XRP more now. It's very neat, clean and it hangs out on your minimap rather than under you Character pane. All the options are available just by clicking, and I don't have to cover any of my chat windows to do it =P
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56 Gnome Mage
08/22/2014 11:58 PMPosted by Caileanmor
Ooo! MRP! Thank you for reminding me. I need to update that....

Looking forward to your podcast!
That is a great one to be sure! We cover it at length! It is the one I use as well! :D

08/23/2014 11:41 AMPosted by Ketyru
I've switched to using XRP lately, because MRP was giving me constant UI errors. I find that I actually enjoy XRP more now. It's very neat, clean and it hangs out on your minimap rather than under you Character pane. All the options are available just by clicking, and I don't have to cover any of my chat windows to do it =P
I had not heard of that one!
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A few friends and I recently encountered some issues with Gryphonheart Items that I believe to be related to the recent realm connections, or possibly compatibility issues between versions. We were all having problems sharing our items in the global channel, but the problem was not consistent. It's still one of my favorites, if I can figure out the new item creation interface.
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56 Gnome Mage
08/25/2014 05:26 AMPosted by Galahn
A few friends and I recently encountered some issues with Gryphonheart Items that I believe to be related to the recent realm connections, or possibly compatibility issues between versions. We were all having problems sharing our items in the global channel, but the problem was not consistent. It's still one of my favorites, if I can figure out the new item creation interface.
LOL! I wish I was better at that sort of thing! I have seen some wonderful things made with GHI! But as I mentioned on the podcast, I have run into a few bugs that made it to where I had to remove it sadly.
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100 Draenei Mage
This was loads of fun. I wonder if you guys are going to go back and do some of the basic concepts more like character creation to create a unique character or whatever.
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56 Gnome Mage
08/28/2014 02:40 PMPosted by Izby
This was loads of fun. I wonder if you guys are going to go back and do some of the basic concepts more like character creation to create a unique character or whatever.
Why..funny you should say that! We are recording ep#5 tonight all about character creation! :D
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100 Draenei Mage
Well you'll have to let us know when it goes live.
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90 Goblin Warlock
Addons are for the weak! Real RPers LARP! I mean we use dice... for... uh... choosing what we say! Yeah!
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56 Gnome Mage
08/28/2014 09:55 PMPosted by Izby
Well you'll have to let us know when it goes live.
It is live now madam! :D You can find the new episode @!

08/31/2014 01:16 PMPosted by Mormel
Addons are for the weak! Real RPers LARP! I mean we use dice... for... uh... choosing what we say! Yeah!
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100 Gnome Priest
*spills a vial of necrotizing agent on the thread*
*hurriedly attempts to sop up the mess before anyone can notice*

"...for the spring'in love of..." Cail mumbles to himself. "Who in their right mind leaves an open vial of green goo just sitting around. Honestly. The carelessness of some people just grinds my gears."


I had a simple question about TRP3 and instead of putting up a single-simple thread I thought I'd necro this one as it is related. Also!...This thread contains some really good and helpful advice and insight on RP addons, character creation, so on and so forth. If you have not already checked out Turwinkle's podcast I can not urge you enough to do so, even if its just out of curiosity.

It's a worthwhile listen! \o/

Now too my question!...

Has anyone noticed if TRP3 has any issues holding onto its data?
I got excited about using it and filled out several profiles for a myriad of characters, and it seems like with our last minor update it's all disappeared. The profiles themselves are still present, but each are empty. Barren. Vacant of all data and hard work.
Thankfully I have a word doc to back up all my profiles, so no big loss...but if this is a known issue then I'm swapping back to MRP...because I've never known MRP to do this, even after years of use.
Edited by Caileanmor on 5/7/2015 3:31 PM PDT
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