Looking for an RP server

80 Night Elf Priest
Greetings, CC!

I've come back from quite the long absence (since about 2011), and was looking to come back and move my characters to an RP server. I used to be on CC waaaay back in the vanillia day and wanted to know if there is still a thriving RP community here on both faction sides.

I know that MG and WrA are the two 'goto' servers, but this server has a nostalgic pull for me, and I wanted to check it out.

Edited by Falirá on 8/22/2014 6:24 AM PDT
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100 Gnome Mage
Things have gotten quite a bit quieter. With the connection to SoE we have quite a few more people but we have yet to how much that changes thing. We still have weekly events which usually have quite a few people show up and later in the day you will most likely find people in the Recluse. However, it is the end of the expac so a lot of people aren't currently playing, or they don't play as much. Things will probably pick up once 6.0 comes out. We are surely not as active as MG and WrA but we have a smaller group of amazing people.

We have also seen quite a few more people coming to our server lately so there are a couple new faces. I'm sure some of the others here would have to add for I know for sure I am forgetting something.
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97 Blood Elf Priest

-Ahem.- Excuse me.

The Red side is likewise quiet, but not silenced. End of expac usually means a scarce public, but I find it's the perfect excuse to fill downtime. Get everybody situated, all the prep work over and done with so when the new content hits, we match it in stride rp-wise.
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100 Draenei Warrior
08/22/2014 12:09 PMPosted by Liore

*blinks* I thought I heard a toad.
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97 Blood Elf Priest
08/22/2014 12:11 PMPosted by Noikona

*blinks* I thought I heard a toad.

A most ribbiting rebuttal.
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80 Night Elf Priest
Thank you all for your input. I do appreciate it.

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100 Gnome Priest
08/22/2014 06:23 AMPosted by Falirá
and wanted to know if there is still a thriving RP community here on both faction sides.

Condensed. We are a fairly solid and active community. Expect peak hours and a few focused but open events throughout the week. With our connection to Sisters of Elune I expect things to pick up a little, but comparatively we're smaller than MG and WrA.

Roll a character and hang out for a while! :D We'd love to have you back. Alliance side is much more active these days than Horde, but that's not to say Horde side is dead. They have a few of their own social RP events throughout the week and there is the occasional cross faction RP to be had, especially in the form of occasional PVP tiffs.

/join allianceooc
/join hordeooc

These two channels are global to each side and will put you into contact with most of the community.

Hope to see you around!
Edited by Caileanmor on 8/22/2014 12:35 PM PDT
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100 Goblin Warlock
Join the Horde! We have... rocks and... um... mud huts.

Seriously though there is plenty of RP on the red side so long as you attend the regular events.
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