
74 Tauren Warrior
Hello people of this server :D

A friend and I are starting fresh on this role-playing server and was wondering if there were any guilds that would be willing to pick us up. We'd love to get into role-playing if that makes it easier.
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100 Human Priest
Welcome to Cenarion Circle - Sisters of Elune!!! We're happy to have you guys, I hope y'all find a guild to call home soon!
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100 Gnome Priest
I'm sure there will be! Let me first ask, Horde or Alliance?

The reason is things are rather slow and thin on the Horde side. Alliance side is a bit more active.
That being said there -is- RP to be had Horde side. I don't want it to sound like they're dead. They're not. They can certainly use some new blood over there. :)

/join hordeooc when you pop online next and introduce yourselves!

I'll step aside now since I'm certain there are players better acquainted with horde side than I who can help you better.

Welcome and Good Gaming! :D

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74 Tauren Warrior
Thanks! Me and my friend currently horde, a male undead demonologist warlock and female blood elf mage :p Will definitely go into that channel.
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100 Goblin Warlock
Welcome! I recommend attending the AAMS Lounge which is held every Saturday in Hardwrench Hideaway at 7pm server time. You can typically meet several Horde RPers from numerous different guilds there.
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100 Draenei Mage
Mormel is a liar and a thief. Do not trust her.
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90 Undead Priest
*crawls into Izby's mind and walks her out of the room*

Cri speaks with a lisp as the air whistles between her teeth, slowly stroking the pet oozeling in her hands. "Mormel is good people and her advisse iss adequate for your endeavorss. You will find that mosst people sstruggle to assept individualss who have not sshown the dedication esspected to join their rankss. Sso be prepared for ssome pusshback inissially. Not in the vulgar ssense of the word, but in the not being ssought out azs much."

((The channels are great advice, as is the event. Just be aware that sometimes it's hard to fully invest in someone who hasn't shown a little dedication to the character that they are rolling new so some guilds tend to not pursue RPers without a certain level. It may not be officially required, but something that they think of subconsciously. You'll notice it while leveling. You won't get as many random invites until you've reached level 10 at least. So just keep that in mind and don't think we're ignoring you. We're not.

Well I am, but that's only because all my toons on these two servers are ally so I can't help you out.))
Edited by Crizby on 8/24/2014 9:46 AM PDT
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74 Tauren Warrior
Thanks everyone, :D I was able to find a guild for my character and my friend's also. Looking forward to playing on this server ^-^
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90 Goblin Warlock
08/24/2014 09:40 AMPosted by Izby
Mormel is a liar and a thief. Do not trust her.

Nyah!? How dare you... you... space goat!
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