Secretary Needed!

100 Draenei Shaman
A notice goes up on bulletin boards across all capital cities of the Alliance

"Terra Incognita Is in need of a secretary for our cleanliness-challenged commander, Kordrion Stoneheardt.


- Knowledgeable about the languages of Azeroth
- Capable of maintaining order among mountains of paperwork
- Willing to deal with Babies, Angry Wives, Frogs, Grumpy DKs, and angry worgen. just to name a few.

Please Direct all inquiries to Aerie Peak, Hinterlands"
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100 Human Rogue
(...I will beat you Belpha.)
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100 Draenei Shaman
((...You were the one who said you needed a secretary! I'm just being more proactive about the problem!))
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100 Draenei Priest
((Sounds like a job for Ahrune))
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100 Worgen Warrior
((I agree. Ahrune sounds perfect for this.))
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100 Human Priest
((Angry wives?

*goes to speak with Belpha*))
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100 Worgen Warlock
((Is it Belpha you need to be chatting with...or Kord? *grins*))
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100 Human Priest
((Kordrion and Ketlan get along perfectly well, thank you. He knows to keep spare stashes of flowers on hand for emergencies.))
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20 Draenei Shaman
A happy look comes over this half draeneis face as she reads the notice. A friend of hers is in desperate need of a sec-er-a-tary!

She's obviously more than qualified for many reasons, but even more so because she's bestest friends with her shadow friend Kord! He even helped her find people with sticks up there butts so she could heal them before they got those nasty splinters.

With a squeel and stubby tail wagging happily like a puppy she runs off to find her friend Kord and tell him that she would be his sec-er-a-tary.
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100 Worgen Warlock

*is not entirely sure what he just witnessed here*))
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100 Human Rogue
(Belpha's end. It will be gory and slow and painful for him.
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90 Gnome Mage
Perkid stares at the bulletin and thinks to himself ..."I thought Kordrion WAS a secretary..."
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