The cart that had recently been moved via portal to Sputterspark's Shadowgarde fortress rocked back and forth with the motions of the draft horses. In the back, Tyvian an another carpenter sat atop stacks of fresh lumber and goods arrived from their own Azeroth. As the cart meandered through the bustling fort, Tyvian idly lounged and thought about recent events. His foot dangled casually off the side and he was at ease, somehow here, in Shadowmoon. Perhaps it was knowing what had become of the 'other' Shadowmoon valley that calmed him.
Footsoldiers, an Ogre or two, craftsmen, engineers, and many other folk were gathered here. All for the Professor's promise of safety. Glancing over at two rifle armed gnomish sharpshooters overseeing the handful of goblin laborers, it was truly an odd place to find safety. Nonetheless, he had his own concerns. His precious Raven was unleashed, Sputterspark was secure, Aschaere was satisfied with the last news he had given, Alex was still traveling, and his own fortune was growing drastically; it was a good time except for two things.
First, the original problem of the madman Trenetir. If not for the man's lunacy, his irrational rage and clear lack of foresight, much of the elf mirrored himself. The relentless pursuit, the ambition, the callous demeanor. How to deal with this nuisance was conflicting. He had recently acquired the means to possibly give Trenetir all he wanted of "Grim" and more, but something Kordrion Stoneheardt had told him. Ignore the petty lunatic, and let his own fury drag him to hell. That was a thought, let the pawns play while the puppeteers go about their own. He would have liked to press the matter with Stoneheardt more fully, but the Watch had arrived, and as the flyers, threats, and gossip traveled, he'd rather not let the Watch 'detain' him.
Secondly, his problem with this "Sekhesmet." Rolled up in his back pocket was the fool's article in the Stormwind Herald, and his inconvenient revelations. Yet another snag in his plans. This one would have to be dealt with as well. The tone implied a relationship with Rakeri, one perhaps that he could exploit? Few knew of Rise at Dawn's existence, let alone who was a member. It would be an excellent trap, pulling a few strings to lure in foes.
Hefting his belt of tools onto his shoulder, he glanced over at Sputterspark's keep, and grinned as he hopped off the cart. So many delicious choices.
Footsoldiers, an Ogre or two, craftsmen, engineers, and many other folk were gathered here. All for the Professor's promise of safety. Glancing over at two rifle armed gnomish sharpshooters overseeing the handful of goblin laborers, it was truly an odd place to find safety. Nonetheless, he had his own concerns. His precious Raven was unleashed, Sputterspark was secure, Aschaere was satisfied with the last news he had given, Alex was still traveling, and his own fortune was growing drastically; it was a good time except for two things.
First, the original problem of the madman Trenetir. If not for the man's lunacy, his irrational rage and clear lack of foresight, much of the elf mirrored himself. The relentless pursuit, the ambition, the callous demeanor. How to deal with this nuisance was conflicting. He had recently acquired the means to possibly give Trenetir all he wanted of "Grim" and more, but something Kordrion Stoneheardt had told him. Ignore the petty lunatic, and let his own fury drag him to hell. That was a thought, let the pawns play while the puppeteers go about their own. He would have liked to press the matter with Stoneheardt more fully, but the Watch had arrived, and as the flyers, threats, and gossip traveled, he'd rather not let the Watch 'detain' him.
Secondly, his problem with this "Sekhesmet." Rolled up in his back pocket was the fool's article in the Stormwind Herald, and his inconvenient revelations. Yet another snag in his plans. This one would have to be dealt with as well. The tone implied a relationship with Rakeri, one perhaps that he could exploit? Few knew of Rise at Dawn's existence, let alone who was a member. It would be an excellent trap, pulling a few strings to lure in foes.
Hefting his belt of tools onto his shoulder, he glanced over at Sputterspark's keep, and grinned as he hopped off the cart. So many delicious choices.