With Yuuko firmly locked away in his estate, Trenetir set out to meet his rival, the one known as Grim, in Thousand Needles. The paladin was armored from head to toe, his family blade at his side, the shield of his blood knight calling upon his back. When he arrived he found Grim standing idly, besides a flaming abyssal boredly waiting yet another day. Trenetir smirks as he spots the Ravenlord across the pillar. "Had to bring your pets with you? Are you truly that scared?"
“Would I be scared of a man who doesn't use everything to his advantage? No. Or the man I am expecting?”
“What I am surprised about is that no one is dragging you here. “
Trenetir grinned, "You really trusted that they would turn me in, just as I trusted that they would turn -you- in."
“ Trust? Hardly. I made a zero-loss bet that greed would win out against a seldom liked individual of the city. Better odds than going out of my way to make more enemies by killing idiots I snatch off the streets.”
The Blood Knight smiled as he thought about the killings, "Well that's one way to think about it, I thought it was a lark really."
“Guilty pleasure aside, I have to ask, why bother coming here yourself? Why not send your men, mercenaries, bombs...Well, this saves me time.”
“When you want something done right, you must do it yourself.”
Grim reaches up and adjusts his hood, fel sparks crackling between his fingers idly, "I quite agree, and you seem remarkably sane considering out last encounter. A good sign for us both. If I was willing to make you an offer, would you be rational enough to hear it?"
"I am a man of business, it would be foolish not to be willing to listen to an offer."
Grim held up a hand that bursts into felflame. "Good, I prefer words to violence as words and business move far more than corpses."
He stepped closer, "I am listening."
Grim extinguishes the flames and gives a slight bow of the head. "You have enemies and I have something we both desire. I have your ships, which, to your credit, have been nothing but problems to me."
He grinned, "I am a man of business, and they are but tools of business."
"You have access to cities and resources that I have not previously needed. My offer is this, I return your ships, keeping my own and I target only ships that do not fly your colors...”
Trenetir’s interest was piqued. “In return?”
“ You, assist me in finding out who murdered a colleague of mine. Then deal appropriate...matters to him. The only name I know of at this moment, is Battlelord Velenkayn. Draenei of the Alliance. He must have had help though.”
He shifted his weight from one foot to the other, "You return my ships, and I agree to help you destroy this... battlelord...and all is -done- between us." He paused before recalling, "I need more."
"Enlighten me as to what you want, I will tell you if you are entitled it."
He laughed, at Grim's cockiness, it reminded him of himself, "You have killed countless of my men and women along the way. I will require... payment for their lives."
Grim can't help but laugh in return, "I see, and how much copper will you require for this? Surely sailors and, pardon my honesty, poor excuses for mercenaries, cost that much. I thought I had given you a fair deal with the promise of targeting only your competition on the seas, but I suppose I can redact that part in exchange for a lump sum payment for damages incurred.” Grim coughed hoarsely.
He laughed again, "No, I will require -both- of those terms. I know of this Battlelord of yours and what he is capable of. He too has powerful allies. For this to be an equitable deal, I am afraid that I -must- insist."
Grim taps his bone mask in thought, weighing possibilities for a moment. "Which allies do you speak of? I cannot see into Shadowgarde anymore, enlighten me and I will base my assumption of pay upon your request and my own assessment.”
"He has allies amongst my people."
"Excellent. All the more reason you should accept then. Further destruction of your enemies and possible business endeavors in -our- future.”
"Then you agree to my terms?"
As soon as you name a price for the lives lost, yes.”
Trenetir paused. He had families to provide for. “Ten thousand Gold.”
“Make it nine and we have a deal. I left you your associate and her Warlock-imitating friend.” Trenetir laughed and crossed the distance between them, extending his hand, "Done." As Grim reached out with his own badly burned fingers, Trenetir asked, "Where are the ships?"