In search of old Ergo Bibamus players

100 Blood Elf Warlock
Hop in the time machine peeps and go way back. My old guildies would know me as Sputnik or Vigharthur. Those toons are long since deleted. I came back to wow not too long ago after my job hours changed and I had time to play again. As you can see I decided to get a fresh look at the world of Warcraft. I was an ally tank now I'm a horde dps. If you're interested roll a horde on US garrosh and look me up!
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100 Orc Warrior
Hey its Treemender, pretty sure I remember you Sputnik. Not sure how many Ergo folks are still around on the server at this point. Ran into papajan a while back on the Icecrown server, other than that I think most have gone off to greener pastures elsewhere.
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100 Worgen Druid
im still here but not on to often.
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