[H] The Iron Dwarf Brigade Recruitment

100 Blood Elf Hunter
The Iron Dwarf Brigade is a level 25 guild built primarily around a core of friends who have pestered each other most of the past decade; both within the game itself and outside of it. While a few of us were once dedicated progression raiders back in the days of Black Temple Attunement madness, the majority of the guild has at least casual raiding experience up to current progression, or at least watched enough videos on Youtube to pretend they’ve got the experience.

With Warlords of Draenor fast approaching, we’re looking to open up to newcomers of all levels of experience, from people fresh to the game and eager to level, or raiders who are interested in progression but do not have the time to devote to three plus nights a week to it. While we are not primarily a role-play focused guild, we have plenty of roleplayers within it and I’m sure if you prod one of us with an IC comment, we’d be happy to respond.

General Applications
    - 18+ age requirement.
    - A general sense of maturity; while humor in chat can get rather raunchy, we do expect a teeny bit of class from one of the Brigade.
    - A sense of humor.
    - An Iron Dwarf Flask from Storm Peaks once you're level appropriate

Raider Requirements
In addition to the general requirements, we ask that those interested in raiding with us have the following qualities:
    - Experience with the class(es) that you wish to bring along on epic adventures.
    - Patience, patience, and more patience. There’s a lot of bad habits formed from LFR that a wipe or two means abandoning an instance and hoping for the better. If you do not feel like you’re comfortable with nights of progression wiping, we’re probably not the raiders to come along with.
    - Willingness to adapt and improve. With WoD coming out, a lot of classes are being pruned, and so there’s not the cookie-cutter class builds once required of raiders, but there’s still rotations to modify and so-forth.

Who To Contact
    - Ayndais (Battletag: Aynie1013#1928 )
    - Keye, Ghara, or Livingston (Officers)

Now that that’s out of the way, something we’d like to offer to anyone interested!

Monday (9/1) at 2pm server we’re looking to poke our heads into 10man Normal Siege of Orgrimmar! We have a core of seven raiders ready to go (get murdered) get loot but we’re looking for a healer and two extra DPS who’d like to come along as well.

You can use this as a fun way to hang out in a 10man on an alt or main that doesn't have a dedicated raid themselves, or even as a chance to check us out while you’re applying for recruitment. Our only requirement is an ilvl of at least 510 and a rough knowledge of the fights either through LFR or Youtube or even a dedicated reading of the dungeon journal.
Edited by Ayndais on 8/31/2014 12:52 PM PDT
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90 Goblin Warlock
Ok... I have to ask... Iron Dwarf as a name for a Horde guild? There has to be a story behind that :3
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100 Blood Elf Hunter
08/31/2014 01:20 PMPosted by Mormel
Ok... I have to ask... Iron Dwarf as a name for a Horde guild? There has to be a story behind that :3

It started out when we really picked up raiding as a group in Wrath. Ulduar was just released and we were fighting someone painful in there; probably the Iron Protodrake boss. Anywho, after a good hour or so of wiping, someone made the joke to pop the Iron Dwarf Boot Flask for a DPS increase.

We all did, and the dragon was downed and that's when the name for the raiding group stuck. When we decided to make ourselves officially a guild, the name came with it.

To fit in with the RP aspects of the server, we're essentially a ragtag group of mercenaries who admire the dwarf's ideals of drinking, treasure-hunting, and good food.
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90 Goblin Warlock
Ah ha! I knew there had to be a story behind that! Thanks for indulging my curiosity and sharing the tale. ;)
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