Question regarding the Ironman Challenge

14 Blood Elf Mage

I just saw this link on a thread on the General Forums - is there a Level 1 guild on this server (either Alliance or Horde side, preferably Horde) like this?

I think I'd like to give this a whirl. :-)

Edit: On a new toon, of course.
Edited by Shennelle on 8/26/2014 6:57 AM PDT
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100 Draenei Warrior
I have not seen one, but I am also intrigued.
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92 Night Elf Druid
There isn't on CC to my knowledge, but there were on other servers. Not sure how popular the 'movement' is anymore.
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100 Human Paladin
There was a guild on Horde that was doing this but for the life of me I cannot remember what the name was or if they are still on the server.
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100 Goblin Shaman
The Rising Sun Fellowship was doing an RP version of the challenge, where they stayed in character the entire time while also not dying, etc. I haven't seen the guild being active recently, and I've seen some of its members are now part of Wayfarer's.

I remember Kezrin running into one of their paladins while leveling and having an fun time tackling part of Hillsbrad together. :)
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