Looking for some help with a Garrosh kill.

96 Undead Warlock
Hey guys. I'll try to keep it brief, and honest.

Before WoD comes out my main goal was to level up some old characters, since I came back from WoTLK, but since I bought WoD I boosted this Warlock to 90.

The only thing I want before 6.0 comes out is the Kor'kron War Wolf from the Garrosh kill.

I understand I need to get my iLVL up. But with work and school, I find myself not having all the time I'd want to do everything. I've also been learning everything I can about the Warlock so I'm not total dead weight.

So I'm asking you guys for help. I'll be trying my hardest to get the best gear I can in the meantime, but I could really use some help killing Garrosh. If anyone can help me, that would be fantastic.

TL;DR: Before 6.0 comes out just want the Kor'kron War Wolf. Please help.
Edited by Ickathian on 9/4/2014 2:46 PM PDT
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96 Undead Warlock
As I'm trying to get into groups, I guess I realize that this isn't really possible without being "carried" with my current iLVL, so I apologize.

I realize that this might just be too much to ask.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Gonna go out on a limb and say yeah, probably a bit much; I think most of the carry groups have gone into waiting-for-Warlords mode, and even if they were still active, they'd probably charge a lot of gold for it (the lowest I've seen asked is about 25,000, but it's usually around 50). My gear is a lot closer, and even I don't have that kind of money, heh heh.
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96 Undead Warlock
I suppose when I saw it was kill Garrosh on Normal, I thought it would be easier to gear for, but since I've just gotten to 90, and my other characters are still 80 from WoTLK, I think it's best I just abandon the idea.

I have about 800g, so a carry isn't going to happen. Thanks though, Ketiron.
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