Monday Events

100 Human Paladin
This is just a reminder of ongoing events sponsored by Pia on Mondays.

The Pia Clinic is at 5:00 server time in the Mystic Ward of Ironforge. Please feel free to stop by and enjoy some friendly roleplay whether you are a patient, healer, guard or just want to visit. We love a full house. And there's always a chance Khromie might stop by with another wounded baby worgen. (Yes, I owe you a write up about that.) Contact Rhudran or Faithe (Gentyl) if you have questions. Really, anyone from Pia can answer questions.

Troubadour Night is at 6:00 in the Explorer's Hall. We strongly encourage people to stop by for some relaxing fun. We're giving away pet's to random audience members and a cash prize to one lucky performer. The real prize is the performances, though. They're always fun and Freediction does a wonderful job hosting.
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100 Worgen Warlock
09/16/2014 01:16 PMPosted by Gentyl
And there's always a chance Khromie might stop by with another wounded baby worgen. (Yes, I owe you a write up about that.)

Wait, what? Who lets Khromie anywhere near kids?

(Seriously, though, these events are great, go for it, folks!)
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