Night Elf Druid Roleplay Guild?

91 Night Elf Druid
I have a question I'm hoping maybe some of you can help me with.
I'm looking for a Night Elf Druid RP guild on a PvE RP server that are active now-a-days. It'd have to be a US or Oceanic realm. I'm willing to re-roll or server transfer if I find the right one. I've looked, but have had no luck. I find it hard to believe there are none based on the Cenarion Circle or Druids of the -Blank out there anymore.
Is anyone a part of one or know of any?

Thank you in advance!
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90 Night Elf Druid
There are none from what I've seen.

My best advice is to possibly create a new druid if you're hellbent on spending the fees and possibly creating your own guild.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
"Specialist" guilds don't tend to last very long here, I find. We have our fair share of cults, law enforcement, orders of knowledge, paramilitary groups, etc. - but they're all made up of a wide variety of people. Broader "coalitions" tend to be the name of the game; people who get too specific on races/classes usually don't last the month. (The only class restriction that actually springs to mind is from Pia Presidium, which doesn't allow warlocks, as they're a holy order.)
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100 Goblin Warlock
Basically what Ketiron wrote. Typically the communities of small servers, like CC/SoE, are unable to sustain an active guild dedicated to just one race. It is possible (I know of an all orc guild on Ravenholdt for example) but difficult to do.

As of right now I am not aware of an all Nelf guild on CC/SoE but there are several very active (and patriotic) Nelf RPers. They typically spend their time in Darnassus RPing with one another or other Nelfs from Wyrmwrest Accord and Moon Guard.

If you have any interest in creating an all Nelf guild on CC/SoE then now is the time to do it with WoD's release on the horizen. I expect an influx of new or returning players around that time and many of them will be looking for a guild to join.
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91 Night Elf Druid
I think what I was trying to convey is that I wish for a Kaldorei Druid guild so that I could better practice learning how to roleplay a Kaldorei Druid by speaking with other Kaldorei Druids and attending & participating in Kaldorei Druid events. It's simply more likely to happen in such a guild.
But I'm still learning everything... Kaldorei lore, Druid lore, how to roleplay a Kaldorei, how to roleplay a Druid... so I'm just trying to find the best home for me. I'm undecided what I'm going to do at the moment, but I did want to thank everyone for their input.
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100 Human Paladin
You might check with Fellowship of Teldrassil.
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100 Night Elf Death Knight
The answer to that, Gen, would be "Who?" Because I don't think our friend here is looking for a (sorry to say) dead guild. (Seriously, has anyone seen these guys lately?)
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91 Night Elf Druid
Thanks anyway, Genevra and Velenkayn.
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100 Pandaren Monk
Not on this server that I am aware of, but I seem to remember seeing a Moonguard guild hanging out in Teldrassil? From their name I got the impression that is what they did. Couldn't hurt to pop over there and ask in general. Also, if WrA didn't have one, I'd be surprised.
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One was attempted not long ago, but then the GM discovered that school is a full time job.

I was left with the guild, but I am focusing on a different guild right now.

If anyone wants the guild <Druids of the Wilds>, let me know.
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100 Night Elf Rogue
There isn't a druidic guild on CC to my knowledge. As for Night Elven guilds. The Chimaera is always there, though we're painfully small and always have been (and technically not strictly Night Elven, although that's what our membership is comprised of) - and our focus has largely shifted to black operations. Fellowship of Teldrassil is also around - and I would recommend getting in contact with Arkonn if you're interested, though I don't have much to offer in the way of details.

As for MG and WRA, both boast strong Kal'dorei guilds, though, not as strong as in the past. MG is largely dominated by Dor Serrar, which evolved out of Will of Elune - they're liberal in their beliefs, which is to say that they're both accepting of the traditional enemies of the Kal'dorei, and that they have a lot of experience in going after conservative Night Elves.

With WRA, I've seen "Sentinel" more often than not. The name implies what it says. They're an all purpose military guild, but they're also the largest and the finest that the server has to offer. I have a good friend in that guild, and I've known them to be professional in their dealings.
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