Lluchduu Ocheliad Fight Night 10/23

100 Human Mage
On October 23rd at 6:30 p.m. server time the Lluchduu Ocheliad will be opening our longest running guild event to the public. Don't expect prizes. Don't expect awards or accolades. Mostly expect the Whose Line Is It Anyway of pvp events. Whether it's an RP event or not depends on the individual participant. Certainly RP will be going on, but the event itself is more about cheating, lying, betrayal and laughing at your friends than anything else.

LOFN includes a number of individual events such as...

Nearly Naked Free For All - Strip down to your tabard and punch people. Change targets often. Stay in the middle of the chosen arena. No abilities, no spells, no stealth, no potions.

Open Field - zero rules. It's an unending melee limited only by your res timer. How many times can you kill your friends?

Duels - Challenge a friend or an enemy and see who can beat the other one down the fastest.

Giant Slayer - One person, the "giant", in all their gear and equipment with full access to their abilities. Everyone else - and I do mean everyone - with nothing but weapons and auto attacking the giant whether they're a warrior or a warlock.

Team battles - The better the fighters, the smaller the team. Numbers versus skill vs. Imperon's desire for a good laugh at someone else's expense.

And various other events we think up at the time. Cheating is encouraged and the only points involved are on the end of someone's sword. The LO hopes to see you all there!

Short version:

October 23, 6:30 p.m. server time at the STV arena.
Come prepared to die a lot for little or no gain.
Bring a good attitude and a sneaky mind.

Because there's nothing quite like thirty role players brawling for no reason in particular.

POSTPONEMENT NOTICE: My internet is being very disagreeable tonight so I won't be able to get on WoW until whatever's wrong is fixed. It's an external problem as the internal network is still working, I simply have no internet access outside using my phone as a hotspot and I don't have a data cap that'll be happy with me trying to play Warcraft that way. So the event is moved back to next week.
Edited by Imperon on 10/16/2014 5:28 PM PDT
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100 Human Warlock
Darn. I'd attend and show you all up. Blast you all with DoTs and be sneaky as Fel, but I'll be on vacation.
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I may actually be able to make it to this for once. I'm off 16-?? so as long as I get some sleep beforehand I can make it. I am rusty though and gear deprived, but that is nothing new with me. I always expect to get my butt kicked heh.

I will be grinding and making tons of toys though.
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100 Goblin Warlock
This sounds a bit too crazy for me but I might swing by to watch.
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100 Human Warlock
Usually we get yelled at if Impy dies a lot. Almost like he suspects that we're all gunnin' for him.
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10/10/2014 10:58 AMPosted by Mormel
This sounds a bit too crazy for me but I might swing by to watch.

Come now, join in on the fun. We all will have fresh new shiny faces to mess up.
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100 Human Mage
10/10/2014 10:58 AMPosted by Mormel
This sounds a bit too crazy for me but I might swing by to watch.

Crazy is what LOFN is all about.

I am rusty though and gear deprived, but that is nothing new with me. I always expect to get my butt kicked heh.

May I suggest you resort to cheating? LOFN declares winners at the end of the night based on things with no relevancy to your combat prowess. We've had people declared the winner for killing me the most often (this will not happen again), for dying the most often, for betraying people most successfully. Once we even declared one of our ressers declared thew inner despite them never fighting. This was before the graveyard was right outside the arena and we'd have people around solely to cast res spells on folks who died.

Come join us, Rose. Cheat wildly. Laugh all evening. Just bring a good attitude...no one's going to go the night without making more than a few corpse runs. Make sure you have enough space in your bags for all your gear, though. Participation in the Nearly Naked Free For All is mandatory.
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Bank is full and I have 4 slots open in my bags heh. We'll see what happens after Tues. I know from my beta experience half my bags and bank space will open up by then.

As to cheating, I would Never do such a thing...

*Hides stun grenades, Light of elune, chicken machine, invisi bombs, auto 'muhahaha' escape button, clone leaving blink etc etc*
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100 Human Mage
Due to some evil power killing my home network I won't have access to a wow-capable machine tonight. As such, I'm pushing back the date of this event by one week. That takes it to 10/23. I'll edit the title to reflect this.
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Amazingly I have off again tonight so This time I can show up and people will be there heh. Hopefully...

I have a "Fixes everything" hammer if you need it. One good smack with that and it will learn never to break again. Worked all the time when I worked for 7-11 many many years ago.
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