((With the patch - and subsequent invasion - coming on Tuesday, time to start writing up a prologue, heh heh...))
Alieth Taldir was not easily given to temper, but something about that night outside the Cathedral still bothered her. The preacher, this Genevra Stoneheardt, sounded utterly naive...and that other, the man the draenei death knight had called his commander, was just a pompous jerk. But there was something about Genevra that only someone whose homeland had suffered tragedy could see; she knew full well that kind of pain. And yet, her idea of "understanding" still included the Horde, and of course people just had to remind her about how the orcs had helped fight off the Legion at Mount Hyjal.
That's as may be, she thought, as she sipped tea in her home in the Mage Quarter, but we could just as easily have fought that off without them, if we had a full Alliance instead of the fragmented group that was left after the Scourge. Everyone is so quick to point out that the Lich King was a human prince...but before there was even a Lich King, there was Ner'zhul, an orc, for pity's sake...and granted, Medivh was a sorcerer of Azeroth, but who helped him open the Dark Portal? Gul'dan, an orc - the apprentice of Ner'zhul, no less. Clearly the apple did not fall far from the tree.
It was an argument she had had for years with anyone who protested against hatred of the Horde, one she constantly replayed in her head. If the orcs had not been so bloodthirsty and foolish, there would have been no Horde. There would have been no Dark Portal, and thus no First, Second or Third Wars...and Llane would have ruled for far longer, and Varian would not be so conflicted...or so orc-tainted; there would have been no Scourge, and thus no Kael'thas, no Sunwell battle, no blood elves; no Dark Portal would also have meant no Outland...maybe we would have had other foes - Illidan, Archimonde, Deathwing, so on - but we would not have had it nearly to the scale. There would still be a Lordaeron, and Arthas would be king. Dalaran would still be on the shores of Lordamere. And with no Horde, there would have been no Garrosh, and Pandaria would not be half in ruins...
Alieth set the cup down, sighing. Maybe she had been a little harsh with Genevra; the priestess - she guessed, from her attire - was the kind of person who clung to hope wherever she could find it. But the idea of a world that continued to encompass the Horde, responsible (directly or otherwise) for the world's ills for the last thirty years, was anathema to Alieth, who had lost (and somehow regained) both of her home cities in the wars that followed the Horde's arrival.
Such people may choose to forget what they did to this city in years past, and what their coming to our world has done to it since, she thought. But I will never forget.
Maybe that was the reason behind all the dreams, she mused; ever since that night, she dreamt she had been standing before the Dark Portal and watching as a great tide of orcs marched through it...
Alieth Taldir was not easily given to temper, but something about that night outside the Cathedral still bothered her. The preacher, this Genevra Stoneheardt, sounded utterly naive...and that other, the man the draenei death knight had called his commander, was just a pompous jerk. But there was something about Genevra that only someone whose homeland had suffered tragedy could see; she knew full well that kind of pain. And yet, her idea of "understanding" still included the Horde, and of course people just had to remind her about how the orcs had helped fight off the Legion at Mount Hyjal.
That's as may be, she thought, as she sipped tea in her home in the Mage Quarter, but we could just as easily have fought that off without them, if we had a full Alliance instead of the fragmented group that was left after the Scourge. Everyone is so quick to point out that the Lich King was a human prince...but before there was even a Lich King, there was Ner'zhul, an orc, for pity's sake...and granted, Medivh was a sorcerer of Azeroth, but who helped him open the Dark Portal? Gul'dan, an orc - the apprentice of Ner'zhul, no less. Clearly the apple did not fall far from the tree.
It was an argument she had had for years with anyone who protested against hatred of the Horde, one she constantly replayed in her head. If the orcs had not been so bloodthirsty and foolish, there would have been no Horde. There would have been no Dark Portal, and thus no First, Second or Third Wars...and Llane would have ruled for far longer, and Varian would not be so conflicted...or so orc-tainted; there would have been no Scourge, and thus no Kael'thas, no Sunwell battle, no blood elves; no Dark Portal would also have meant no Outland...maybe we would have had other foes - Illidan, Archimonde, Deathwing, so on - but we would not have had it nearly to the scale. There would still be a Lordaeron, and Arthas would be king. Dalaran would still be on the shores of Lordamere. And with no Horde, there would have been no Garrosh, and Pandaria would not be half in ruins...
Alieth set the cup down, sighing. Maybe she had been a little harsh with Genevra; the priestess - she guessed, from her attire - was the kind of person who clung to hope wherever she could find it. But the idea of a world that continued to encompass the Horde, responsible (directly or otherwise) for the world's ills for the last thirty years, was anathema to Alieth, who had lost (and somehow regained) both of her home cities in the wars that followed the Horde's arrival.
Such people may choose to forget what they did to this city in years past, and what their coming to our world has done to it since, she thought. But I will never forget.
Maybe that was the reason behind all the dreams, she mused; ever since that night, she dreamt she had been standing before the Dark Portal and watching as a great tide of orcs marched through it...
Edited by Alieth on 10/11/2014 4:54 AM PDT