[A - Event] ( 10/13 7pm) A Shift in Time...

100 Night Elf Mage
Long has been the path to where we are now. Great were the trials. With the fall of Garrosh Hellscream, and a rise of a new Warchief, the memory of those who fell to the Orcish invasion is fresh on the minds of many. What could go wrong with a little remembrance?

~Join us at Netherguarde Keep this Monday at 7pm server and take part is this Pre-Pre-Patch event!~
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100 Human Rogue
Where were you when the world stopped turning? No...too cheesy. What were you learning when the whole world was burning? No...still not it...OH!

What did you do when the portal bled?

Just adding a little something to Cel's post to give folks a thing to do while we wait for the world to go to the nether in a handbasket. What was your character up to? Did they hear about it through the alarm calls, were they there at the remembrance party? How did they respond to this sudden event? Post your stories for others to read while we wait!
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