Defend Stormwind with the Stormwind Union

100 Human Warrior

Now is the Time to Rise to the Defense of Your Homes!

Hordes of orcs have again invaded Azeroth through the Dark Portal and are threatening the kingdom. As shocking and as frightening as this reality may be, we are not powerless to prevent history from repeating itself. YOU are not powerless to prevent history from repeating itself.

The Stormwind Watch is recruiting all able-bodied men and women to fight on the front lines. You will be fighting side to side with one of the most experienced and steady forces under arms for the kingdom. Experience in combat is preferred, but not required. Training will be provided.

Opportunities exist to join one of the Watch's special units. Inquire with a recruiter for more details.

Civilian support roles also need to be filled! If you can cook, know fortifications, have administrative skills, or can assist in another useful way, you are welcome to apply.

Everyone Has the Opportunity to Serve Our Kingdom and Protect Your Friends and Family!

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100 Dwarf Mage
Dear Mister Oarwind,

I must begin by stating what a mighty big fan meself is of yer Sword of Oarwind series. I've spent many a night curled up with one of yer books to keep me company.

Now I am just a wee lass who knows nothing about fighting but as a representative of Conclave I'd love to support our lads out on the front line in some small way. If ye are in need of any baked goods from bread to donuts then please don't fret for a moment about contacting me. Aye me mum taught me how to make a mighty fine chocolate dipped bagel after all.

Gerhilda Coldbrew
Conclave Scholar
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100 Undead Warrior
Join Ssstormwind Union and Die, yesss!
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100 Undead Death Knight
At long last, the pitiful fleshbags will be too distracted with a bunch of brownskins to notice that I will eat the flesh of their King once more! Muhahaha! Muhaha! Muh-*Coughhackcough*
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100 Draenei Warrior
*looks up at the last two posts and wonders if dead and deader make good kindling*

For lack of better judgment my post just bumped this. Perhaps I am just glutton for pain or I wish more people to torment?
Edited by Noikona on 11/12/2014 12:43 PM PST
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100 Human Warlock
11/12/2014 10:52 AMPosted by Noikona
*looks up at the last two posts and wonders if dead and deader make good kindling*

...I'm perfectly willing to find this out through trial and error with you.

I'll bring the fire. Lots of fire.
Copious amounts.

All the fire.
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100 Human Warrior

Did somebody say trial?
Edited by Foravin on 11/12/2014 2:17 PM PST
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100 Blood Elf Warrior
Yes, yes, busy yourselves with the Iron Horde. That’s where your attention should be.
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100 Human Warrior
12/11/2014 12:01 PMPosted by Yuuko
Yes, yes, busy yourselves with the Iron Horde. That’s where your attention should be.

That's where your attention would be too, if you blackhearted criminals had any concern for your own people, let alone the Alliance's. Iron Horde or no, we'll spare the time and men to re-bury this rotting corpse of an organization you're attempting to reanimate.
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100 Gnome Priest
Join the Stormwind Union NOW to take advantage of the WINTER VEIL MEMBERSHIP SPECIAL!!!


- SIR OARWIND'S THREE-IN-ONE MAGICAL LOINCLOTH!!! Wear in on your head--and it's a hat!!! Wear it around your neck--and it's a scarf!!! Use it to cover your hoohah--and it's a loincloth!!! SHAZAM!

- SIR OARWIND'S B.O. SCENTED HOLIDAY CANDLE!!! Have your home filled with the heady musk of Stormwind's smokingest savior today!

- HOMEMADE SIR OARWIND SUPER SPECIAL SECRET SURPRISE WINTER VEIL PUDDING!!!!! Each pudding is guaranteed to contain an authentic Sir Oarwind moustache hair, so you can proudly tell all of your friends that Sir Oarwind himself was inside you!!!

Supplies are limited. Limit one membership special per household. Dirty stinkin' Hordies need not apply.
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100 Worgen Warlock
12/15/2014 03:31 PMPosted by Orwyn
Iron Horde or no, we'll spare the time and men to re-bury this rotting corpse of an organization you're attempting to reanimate.

Oh, you mean you're going to put yourselves back in the ground where you belong, and you're planning on staying there? Well, by all means, "Commander", be my guest - do Azeroth (and Draenor!) a favor.
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100 Goblin Warlock
12/16/2014 10:08 AMPosted by Khromie
Join the Stormwind Union NOW to take advantage of the WINTER VEIL MEMBERSHIP SPECIAL!!!


- SIR OARWIND'S THREE-IN-ONE MAGICAL LOINCLOTH!!! Wear in on your head--and it's a hat!!! Wear it around your neck--and it's a scarf!!! Use it to cover your hoohah--and it's a loincloth!!! SHAZAM!

- SIR OARWIND'S B.O. SCENTED HOLIDAY CANDLE!!! Have your home filled with the heady musk of Stormwind's smokingest savior today!

- HOMEMADE SIR OARWIND SUPER SPECIAL SECRET SURPRISE WINTER VEIL PUDDING!!!!! Each pudding is guaranteed to contain an authentic Sir Oarwind moustache hair, so you can proudly tell all of your friends that Sir Oarwind himself was inside you!!!

/slams gold down on the table

I'll take it! I'll take it all!

12/16/2014 10:08 AMPosted by Khromie
Supplies are limited. Limit one membership special per household. Dirty stinkin' Hordies need not apply.

Uh... I'm from the Steamwheedle Cartel. Yes. Steamwheedle.
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100 Human Warrior
((bumping for great justice))
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100 Human Rogue
Bumping for le OARWIND.
*Daintily strokes tiny fanclub membership card.*
Maybe one day...
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100 Goblin Warlock
01/09/2015 04:04 PMPosted by Arlston
Bumping for le OARWIND.

Oh I'll bump for Sir Oarwind. I'll bump Sir Oarwind anywhere, anytime, free of charge :3
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100 Night Elf Druid
One of of us...

I mean....come and join awesome people doing awesome stuff! Like harassing Foravin!
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100 Draenei Warrior
*finds a sledgehammer and begins to smooth out the bumps*
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100 Human Warrior
I don't think this is a part of your community service, Ms. Momlir.
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100 Human Warrior
Join the Stormwind Union and die, yes!

Oh wait, wrong line.
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