(RP) The Warsong

97 Orc Warrior
She gazed down at her axes, thoughts running through her head. What was she doing? Was he really alive? Would... he remember her. Her life had been a long one, as she'd fought through all the wars against the alliance, she remembered the burning of Stormwind, she remembered the Camps. She remembered Grom. Her clan, the Warsong was leading something new, something powerful... and the demons had no part in it. What would they think of her? She was tainted.. but she had to go see him. She had to return to her clan. She had to see her idol, the legend.. the now living legend. Grom Hellscream.

It had been a moment of sheer craziness when the Iron horde burst through the dark portal, who were these orcs... they.. were family. They were HER horde. She knew she had to go home.
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94 Troll Warlock
(( Don't do it! Aeth might have to kill a younger version of herself and break the time-space continuum! ))
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