11/07/2014 02:05 AMPosted by
Imperon 11/05/2014 03:06 PMPosted by
Mormel Kind of ironic it was as simple as taking a stand and continuing to use the RP real-estate.
It's why I've never bought into the idea that all of Moonguard's Goldshire, or even a majority of it, is comprised of people from off-server. If Moonguard's RP community - which is much larger than Cenarion Circle's - truly wanted to change their Goldshire, it really is as easy as going to Elwynn and role playing in Goldshire.
Forget the Lion's Pride Inn for now. Just role play in the streets. Talk in /say about whatever concerns your cahracter. RP as an active blacksmith in the smithy there. Have a fishing night at the nearby lake. The bad elements will flee because the streets and surrounding area is now flooded with people who - and this is key - don't care what they're doing and are simply there to RP. No harassment is needed. It's attention many of those people want. Draw attention away, and they'll go elsewhere.
From there on, it's a matter of moving the RP into the entrance of the Lion's Pride Inn. Seriously. Stand in the entryway and talk to other people. If one room upstairs is empty, take it over and plot an assault on Grom'gol. Then go invade Grom'gol because it's funny. Invite the locals along for the ride, some of them might actually be role players on their mains.
But Goldshire will stay the way it is because Moonguard has more competing cliques than a Hollywood high school. Good luck getting them to cooperate long enough to retake their Goldshire.
I have to tell you that you do not know what you are talking about. The ERP issue was addressed before CRZ was a thing when Blizzard Employees were actually sent to patrol Goldshire and moderate anyone who was ERPing in /say or emotes in the open.
The ERPers simply moved to whispers. The unfortunate issue that took over Goldshire on MG is that the vast majority of the people there are trial accounts who can't interact with anyone over 30 or so, except in whispers. And yes, there are others who go there just to be there, but they are almost all doing their deeds in whispers.
There -are- people who roleplay in Goldshire, everyone else just ignores them because they are in whispers and rarely paying attention to what is going on around them. It gets so packed in the Lion's Pride that you could not see anyone actually doing anything except dancing or something. MG actually gets unhooked from CRZ because of the population rise in Goldshire during Darkmoon Fair or other Holidays.
That said, there was very little open ERP through Cataclysm and Pandaria, and at the moment, MG's Goldshire is actually empty at the moment. And that brings us to the second point.
The reason the ERPers are now on CC and other less populated realms is just that, they are less populated. The numerous Trial accounts that were the primary perpetrators aren't given priority in the queue, the active paid accounts are out leveling (and presumably ERPing in their Garrisons) and many of these players aren't patient enough to wait the many hours it's come to getting on to MG, so it's to the next available RP realm without a queue (both WrA and MG have 2000+ queues during peak hours - meaning as much as 2-4 hour waits).
Believe me, MG's community doesn't really want them either, but MG has a general 'live and let live' policy so long as people aren't going out of their way to harass each other, but it sounds like that's the way you'd like to go. And that said, perhaps it's better for all the riff-raff to be in one place like the Lion's Pride or somewhere that's not the RP hotspots, like the Cathedral Square or the Blue Recluse.
Think of it like this. You'd rather know where the bad neighborhood is than be walking around Stormwind, minding your own business when a random draenei propositions you by asking you to whisper him RP about stroking his moustache and tentacles while he doesn't respond... (This has happened to me on WrA).