Keep Our Server Clean

100 Draenei Hunter
Some unsavory folk from a well-known. yuck server have begun to seep onto our server. You will easily recognize them by their distasteful, against the ToU guild name referring to sexual behavior. They were seen in SW Trade District, deep in a ToU violation act.

Please report this trash- get them off of our server ASAP. I didn't roll on that well-known, yuck server so I don't want to see the filth rolling over into ours outside of the questionable behavior in Goldshire.

If you want to know the name in order to keep an eye out for them, send a tell in game to Ranoryn.
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100 Goblin Warlock
Now now... are you absolutely positive they are rerolls/transfers from that "other" place?

Regardless, I recall hearing that CC cleaned up Goldshire (before CRZ was a thing) by... well to be honest... harassing the ERPers until they left. I could be wrong on that part of CC history but I bring it up because the community might need to do more than simply report them.
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100 Gnome Priest
I don't know if CC has a history of harassment or not, but I would recommend against that route if we start to see a problem arise. We need to stay civil and not overstep our own boundaries in how we treat other players. We need to stay aware of what's allowed in the TOU and be vigilant in reporting any violations while not creating any. We can report and ignore, but I'd hate for CC to develop a culture of harassment, no matter the target. I stayed on this server because it was friendly, and that's the way I want other people to think of us.
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I absolutely agree with the bossgnome. If they are keeping quiet and not being disruptive, reporting the guild name is more than enough, and if anyone actually solicits you, reporting them is quite an agreeable action.

A long, long time ago, we had a problem with guilds like this. The community at the time responded with peaceful protests and by RPing in areas so they could not use them. Guilds like Pia Presidium did "outreach programs," speaking to this element about coming to the Light. I won't get into the details of why it must have been so difficult to keep a civil tongue about it, but we need to be the mature ones this time too.

We can, and have, successfully done this the right way. We're all here to have fun, not to stand on soap boxes.
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100 Worgen Warlock
11/01/2014 07:28 PMPosted by Galahn
We can, and have, successfully done this the right way. We're all here to have fun, not to stand on soap boxes.

Well, given that we can't harvest all this living wheat around us, we gotta see over the stalks somehow. *grins* Seriously, though, yeah....
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We've talked about this harvesting the living thing, Rakeri.
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100 Worgen Warlock
We have?
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100 Gnome Priest
Is Goldshire starting to become an issue again?

It's been clear of <those who shall not be named> since 6.0 I thought. Over Hallow's Eve I started to see the dualist slowly returning, but still none of "them". It was nice being able to spend some quiet time in the Lion's Pride for a change, waiting for the Horseman cue to pop.
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100 Worgen Druid
I havent been to Goldshire for ever it seems. Did they do away with the CRZ of CC and the Erp Palace knows as Moonguard? Mind you, I know lots of amazing people on that server, but there are plenty of "tourists" that roll there just to go play date r@pe in GS.
Edited by Volstâgg on 11/5/2014 10:14 AM PST
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100 Human Mage
Prior to CRZ, the role players of Cenarion Circle got rid of the ERP in our Goldshire (which was never as bad as it is on some other servers) simply by role playing in Goldshire. The "harassment" was us involving ourselves in the ERP in exactly the way people might if they actually saw people doing the sorts of things ERPers do.

To be clear, these were people ERPing in /say, not in private channels. When I happened to stumble across a role player I knew, naked, with an equally naked night elf in one of the Lion's Pride's rooms, I did exactly what would my character would have done ICly...called in all my friends to watch the show. Regardless, the two would-be lovers decided to find a more discreet venue after half a dozen people showed up at their door and began to critique their bedroom techniques.

By actively using Goldshire and the Lion's Pride inn for RP ranging from guild meetings and tavern nights to mystery adventurers and philosophical debates we turned our Goldshire into exactly the sort of place the ERPers didn't want to be: a place with an active RP community.
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100 Goblin Warlock
Ah. Thanks for clearing that up Imperon. I had heard CC using some form of proactive approach to handling ERPers in the pass. Kind of ironic it was as simple as taking a stand and continuing to use the RP real-estate.
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100 Human Warrior
critique their bedroom techniques

Yeah, seriously. Those drapes with that carpet?

And don't even get me started on the wallpaper...
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100 Human Mage
11/05/2014 03:06 PMPosted by Mormel
Kind of ironic it was as simple as taking a stand and continuing to use the RP real-estate.

It's why I've never bought into the idea that all of Moonguard's Goldshire, or even a majority of it, is comprised of people from off-server. If Moonguard's RP community - which is much larger than Cenarion Circle's - truly wanted to change their Goldshire, it really is as easy as going to Elwynn and role playing in Goldshire.

Forget the Lion's Pride Inn for now. Just role play in the streets. Talk in /say about whatever concerns your cahracter. RP as an active blacksmith in the smithy there. Have a fishing night at the nearby lake. The bad elements will flee because the streets and surrounding area is now flooded with people who - and this is key - don't care what they're doing and are simply there to RP. No harassment is needed. It's attention many of those people want. Draw attention away, and they'll go elsewhere.

From there on, it's a matter of moving the RP into the entrance of the Lion's Pride Inn. Seriously. Stand in the entryway and talk to other people. If one room upstairs is empty, take it over and plot an assault on Grom'gol. Then go invade Grom'gol because it's funny. Invite the locals along for the ride, some of them might actually be role players on their mains.

But Goldshire will stay the way it is because Moonguard has more competing cliques than a Hollywood high school. Good luck getting them to cooperate long enough to retake their Goldshire.
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100 Draenei Paladin
Coupled with it being against the ToU, I don't want to see sexually-referenced guild names with sexually-referenced character names standing in the middle of Stormwind City doing obvious sexual acts for all to see. I will shame them and I will report them. You can't tell me they "didn't know" they couldn't do that or that "Cenarion Circle is a completely acceptable place to ERP in city". I don't buy it.

This technique of RPing on top of violators has never been seen by me. In fact, I've never seen anyone openly RP in Stormwind on Cenarion Circle. It has been my experience that the top RP guilds go off to other places far less populated to do their events. (ie Twilight Grove in Duskwood)
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100 Night Elf Druid
There's usually RP in Stormwind. Conclave holds an event on Wednesdays behind the Cathedral, I know several other groups use Stormwind as their base, and The Blue Recluse is home for most tavern RP A-side.
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100 Draenei Paladin
11/07/2014 07:40 AMPosted by Alilyanna
There's usually RP in Stormwind. Conclave holds an event on Wednesdays behind the Cathedral, I know several other groups use Stormwind as their base, and The Blue Recluse is home for most tavern RP A-side.

Never seen anyone on the outside of Recluse (who looked to maybe be RPing anyway) so I wasn't sure if anyone from the server used that or not. As for Cathedral, because of past experience from the server WrA, I just avoid the place out of habit.

Thanks for the info!
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100 Goblin Warlock
11/08/2014 06:14 AMPosted by Nalanei
As for Cathedral, because of past experience from the server WrA, I just avoid the place out of habit.

Yeah... the things those priests do...

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100 Human Paladin
my god, what a bunch of crybabies........
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100 Draenei Warrior
11/14/2014 10:22 AMPosted by Golgothe
my god, what a bunch of crybabies........

Please don't disrupt a constructive discussion with a troll statement.
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