AAMS Mentioned on "Darkmoon Herald" Podcast

100 Goblin Shaman
Darkmoon Herald is one of my favorite WoW podcasts, and one I highly recommend if you've any interest in a light-hearted, casual, fun podcast with a slightly irregular schedule. It's a variety show that features varied segments, frequent guests hosts, trivia contests, and my personal favorite, "The Sideshow of Suck."

The Sideshow is when hosts, guests, and listeners share stories involving WoW when they've had "I'm a idiot" moments or things go horribly wrong. It's the schadenfreude segment.

The latest episode (episode 76) included a letter I sent in that talks about a "suck" moment I had during a delivery.

Darkmoon Herald's main site: http://darkmoonherald.com/
Link to Episode 76: http://ngeonline.com/podcasts/dmh-76/
(can also be found on iTunes)

The Sideshow of Suck starts at 1hr 11 minutes, and the AAMS letter is at 1 hr 22 minutes and 35 seconds.

Here's the text I sent in, but listen to the show if you want the hosts' reactions and comments!

Hi, Guys. I have a recent moment of suck that I’m sure all the role-players listening in will commiserate with.

I belong to a cross-faction roleplaying group that RPs as couriers. We deliver items from one player to another while acting in character, and we’ll often offer to meet the player anywhere they happen to be, whether it’s Orgrimmar, Nagrand, or the middle of Uldum; our very name is the “Anytime, Anywhere Messenger Service."

We have a guild uniform policy which is basically stated as “anything white and gold.” That’s not a problem on my main, a gnome priest, who happily runs around with her raid gear transmogged into white robes, white hat, and etc., but for my goblin shaman, I’ve yet to find any mail pieces I particularly like. My goblin is also a bit of a coward, so she’d never run around wearing big pieces of armor. Instead, she uses that pretty white cloth intellect robe you get when you finish the goblin starting zone, the matching belt, and a small dagger. So when I’m Hordeside, I’m constantly swapping between my shaman gear and my RP set. They’re very, very distinctive looks, so I’ve never had the problem of accidentally going into a raid with my RP gear instead of my resto set.

Last week I had just come out of a dungeon queue when I noticed that someone who needed a delivery was online. I whispered her, and we agreed to meet just outside the silken fields. She invited me to a party so I could find her. I popped on my guild uniform, grabbed the item from the guild bank, flew out to Halfhill, hopped on my white hawk strider (have to match the uniform!), and trekked out into the open fields.

It wasn’t until the swarm of moths descended upon me that the thought finally crossed my mind: “You’re in a level 86 zone wearing level 15 cloth gear, plus you’re in a healing spec. Have fun.”

As if the pesky moths weren’t enough, a wolf decided to join in, as well.

I felt very silly when several minutes later I was still trying to kill everything that should have been stomped into the ground. I apologized to the other player for taking so long, who laughed and said she’d been wondering why my health kept going down. I did succeed in not dying and eventually making the delivery. A few days later, when a player needed a delivery to Guo-Lai Halls, I sent a prayer asking for forgiveness to the RP gods, didn’t bother switching to my RP gear, and changed specs to enhancement before heading over.

Totally forgot to change from intellect gear to agility gear and died on the stairs, but hey, one lesson at a time.

Thanks for the show,

Kezrin of the <AAMS> Cenarion Circle - US

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100 Worgen Warlock
You shoulda gave them a link to the jingle.
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100 Goblin Warlock
Kezzy is so cool and famous! *-*

Also, on the cover of the next issue of Wrathgate:

AAMS Officer Swarmed by Moths!

[A photo of Kezrin on a white strider running away from a large group of giant moths]

What could this dangerous organization be transporting that would push these peaceful creatures to aggression? Find out this and more inside!
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