Curious about Tribe guilds on CC

100 Tauren Shaman
How are they?
Is there any?
How popular are tauren tribe guilds on CC?
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100 Worgen Warlock
Race-specific guilds in general tend to burn out kinda quick here, I notice. They show up, make a big splash, and then sink to the bottom of the pool, as it were.
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100 Human Rogue
For the most part CC is not large enough to support race/class specific guilds :/ Though never hurts to try! Always nice to see more tauren RPs...even with the weird faces -.-
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100 Tauren Shaman
I am considering bringing my guild to the server but I think I'll make an alt and check it out first
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100 Human Mage
This server is a great place to RP, Kamali, however, we are not nearly as populous as Moonguard or Wyrmrest Accord. As such, we don't tend to have single race guilds. We've had tauren tribes in the past, but they tended to be willing to adopt people from other races.

That said, I - and I think every other role player on the server - will always welcome another RP guild to the server and do our best to make all of its members feel welcome.
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100 Goblin Warlock
In addition to what everyone else has written I recommend checking out some of the Horde RP events on the server. Da Doctas hold a clinic Tuesday evenings in Thunder Bluff and Broken House holds a story telling session in Thunder Bluff on Sunday afternoons.

Furthermore I regularly attend the AAMS Lounge in Hardwrench Hideaway at 7pm server time on Saturdays. I'd be more than happy to chat in-game (both IC and OOC) if you get a chance to swing by.
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