Worgen from Eastern Kingdoms / Northrend

100 Worgen Druid
I am trying to develop a frame work / backstory for this guy that focuses on where he is from & his history, and wanted some input from you Lore wisdom peeps. I want him to NOT be Gilnean...for no reason other than I don’t want to RP Gilnean. Here’s what I got so far.

He is from The Eastern Kingdoms either from Kul Tiras (which allows for all kinds of stuff)...or from Havenshire (DK starter Zone Scarlet Crusade stuff).
In either case he is a sea going man who eventually ends up on Northrend. He decides to stay for reasons dependent on which of the above (KulTiras or Havensihre) origins I go with. He's one of the citizens of Solstice Village Farming and Trapping. This is when Arthas has the Darkfallen guys raise Arugal - who then sets out to Grizz Hills to raise a new Worgen army for the Lich King. Volstâgg voluntarily becomes a Worgen (accepting Arugal's deal) to escape the fate of his woman who was raised as undead.

Now here’s where it gets a little tricky...how to turn him into a Worgen that is playable and would make sense in the current world. After Arugal’s death (2nd death) Volstâgg pretty much is a lost cause. He can change form at will, and isn’t forced to change at night, but is still quite insane and contagious (as far as spreading the Worgen Curse). He ventures east as he is “called” or drawn by something…he ends up getting “captured” near Stars Rest in Dragonblight where the Night Elves recognize what he is. Perhaps a Druid with particular talents quenched / fixed the Curse per say…ritual of Taldoren – Like fix?

Like I mentioned this is a skeleton and I am looking for input or ideas…thanks for reading.
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100 Worgen Warlock
I would imagine there would still be those Wolfcult members who survived the purging at Solstice Village and the logging camps, but hoping for being discovered by people who'd go with the Tal'doren method (as opposed to the Sasha method, which involves a bucketful of truesilver bullets) is a pretty long shot. That said, however, miracles do happen...
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100 Goblin Warlock
Your back story does not have enough goblins in it. 0/10

In all seriousness I've never been a big fan of detailed back stories right off the bat and feel it is better to have a general background idea so you can naturally fill in the blanks over time via RP. However I think your angle of him becoming a Worgen in Northrend is a perfectly good character hook. As for how he ended up in places like Stormwind... well you can deliberately leave that vague and reveal it later on. Maybe he does not want to talk about it? Maybe he can't fully remember?

Of course if you want it more fleshed out then I say romanticize it! Volstagg was running around Grizzly Hills in a feral state after Arugal got ganked (again) eating gnomes until some raven haired night elf druid adventurer tracked him down. She then took pity on him and decided to attempt a cure rather than kill him out right. How did she do this? Well maybe she had been to Gilneas during the invasion and had a bottle of that worgen-be-smart potion on her? Regardless she then vanished into the wilderness and Volstagg deeply yearns to find her once more.

Anyway, just my two cents.
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100 Worgen Druid
This is the stuff I am talking about. Thanks guys. I agree with Mormel on not having too much detail in the back story, I just wanted to get other RPers take on a non Gilnean Worgen (and then a Druid at that)....its a stretch, but its not like Im playing a dragon/vampire/demon hunter....just want a little Non Gilnean is all.
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100 Worgen Warlock
There are some who do go for the non-Gilnean tack. Hell, there's one I know of who goes for completely non-human (a night elf turned in the ancient days of the Druids of the Pack). You do have plenty of options, though - former ferals from Silverpine, some from Duskwood...you said you're going with the Wolfcult, which I admit is a first, but is a pretty good idea. In fact, most of them do still have a semblance of "free will", not totally given to the pack instinct. You could well return to sanity if you have enough of "yourself" left - like Sven Yorgen did in Duskwood - through alchemy.
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