Hey.. who remembers this??
Of course I do. I'm in it! ...Or, at least the versions that also showcase individuals.
This is what brought me to this server!
Well the "random rp" part held more truth back when this video was shot. Still, it's good memories.
Those were the days. *sighs fondly*
Mingonashoba, I randomly bumped into you in the Circle of Blood the other day and really regret not striking up some random RP with you. I've been gone since about the time that first video was made, and I was surprised to see an old name that I recognized. I think I kept to myself since I figured not many are around that would recognize me.
If you guys wanna go really old school on the videos. '
First one I ever made for CC. '
First one I ever made for CC.
I cannot believe how emotional I got over that video. That was the Cenarion Circle I joined all those years ago. I miss all the ones who have gone so much. They live on in my hearts, and though I miss them, they will forever be a part of the server in the way I view my server.
90 Undead Priest
I was in that video briefly, during my brief stint in Modas il Toralar. Nice to see it again.
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