Some person asking questions.

93 Troll Hunter
I have some questions regarding the server, but first about myself maybe? I don't know! I come from Moonguard, I've been on the server for some time now and I think I'm in need of a new community of awesome people persons.

My questions!

Question the first!
What is the state of RP as a whole on this server between the two factions?

Question the second!
In regards to Horde RP, I don't want to use the word 'strong' or anything, but how strong is the RP?

Question the third!
Cake or Muffins, what is the superior edible thingymahjig?
Edited by Mandlazi on 11/14/2014 8:06 PM PST
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100 Goblin Warlock
Welcome! Now to answer your questions in order!

Well Cenarion Circle is "typical" for RP servers in the sense that there are more Alliance than Horde. However the merge with Sisters of Elune, an "unusual" RP server because it has a history of being Horde dominated, helped to even out the population slightly. Of course the community on both realms, especially SoE, have diminished over the past few years so don't expect the same level of activity you will find on Moon Guard or Wyrmwrest Accord.

That said the RP for both factions is healthy and alive. Multiple weekly events are held and special events are a regular sight. We are also a very friendly and close knit bunch.

Well "strong" is a relative term. I personally think Horde RP here is strong but others might find it lacking. Typically at least three weekly events are held with the turnout usually being between six to twelve RPers. Random RP can be found in CRZ zones, such as Silvermoon City. You can also join the HordeOOC chat channel to talk with other RPers and get a feel for the Horde community.

Anyway, I recommend attending the AAMS Lounge. It is held every Saturday 7pm server time at Hardwrench Hideaway. You'll usually find a good sampling of us Horde RPers there.

Cake obviously.

Anyway, hope this helps.
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Since the first two were answered I can at least give an opinion on the third.

Muffins, because cake is a lie and every cooking area needs a Muffin button. As my garrison grows I will see to it that the gnomes install one for daily pressing.

Muffins, they will save the world one day. Heck, the saved Goku once, it's true. I saw it on youtube once...
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93 Troll Hunter
I've made the decision to check out the server alot more! Hope to see you guys around :D
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100 Goblin Warlock
Glad to hear that Mandlazi! :D Feel free to get in touch with me in-game if you have any questions or want to chat. ;3
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100 Draenei Warrior
Muffins are just ugly cupcakes.

*goes back to her corner*
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