Wanderer's Notice

100 Pandaren Monk
Come, friends, I see the interest in your eyes.

Before us lies a great opportunity, a chance to explore a land as it once was, untouched by the ravages that befell it in our realm. I seek friendship, comrades, to join me across the roads of this new world. While the danger could be great, with numbers can come safety.

Besides, what use is there in finding new brew if one lacks friends to share it with?

Brewmaster Ru Boulderbrew

((OOCly, this is an open invitation to join me in Leveling in Dreanor, RPing the whole way through. There is no "set" date but it WILL be taking place over the weekdays, not the weekend, starting generally around 4:00 GameTime. Contact Ru for an invitation, or just to ask where he may be wandering for a simple walk up, you don't HAVE to quest to be involved.))
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92 Orc Warrior
((That actually sounds like tons of fun! A shame I only got a character Redside...)
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100 Human Rogue
(Ru is good people, you should take him up on this!
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100 Pandaren Monk
((An OOC Update, I wished to place Ru's active location down for people who may be searching for him/in the general area for people who might swing by for a bit of fun. Please note I will be updating this one post whenever Ru "makes camp" for that day, so the position WILL obviously change. Do not hesitate, however, to talk to me over Tells/Mail as I am more then happy to more accurately direct you to the path!)

Ru's Current Location; Shadowmoon Valley, just outside Lunafall Garrison
Edited by Ru on 12/9/2014 12:33 AM PST
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