I'm looking for Others on Cenarion who Raid

100 Worgen Mage
Hello! I'm a Lv 100 mage, transgender IRL. I'm looking actively for a group of friendly people who would like to get together and do raiding. I know there is a huge amount of people on Cenarion who, like me, raid devoutly, but have to use things like Oqueue because their guild just does not raid. Me and my ex-girlfriend used to lead raids and here lately I've been tanking because I know how to lead a raid.

If I can just find at least 9-19 others who share the desire to consolidate themselves into the raiding guild Cenarion Circle needs, we'd have something very, very precious going on.

Love you guys,

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100 Worgen Mage
This also applies to those on SistersofElune <3
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100 Worgen Mage
Edited by Asena on 11/24/2014 7:17 AM PST
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