Merchandise Swap 2014! (RP Secret Santa, H/A)

100 Gnome Priest
*double checks list*

*counts names on mailing list*

*counts names on master spreadsheet*


Oops, it does seem I forgot a few names when I transferred them off my spreadsheet and on to our official gift list! I've mailed out a few more letters and hopefully have gotten everyone else.

Thanks for letting me know! If it turns out anyone else is missing, just give us a poke. Here's my complete list of participants- if you're on this list, you should have a letter.

Abon, Belpha, Caileanmor, Calent, Charitye, Dantemoon, Destiny, Discauince, Dyanna, Faithe, Feroar, Freediction, Froyd, Gentyl, Genevra, Gerhilda, Jataa, Khromie, Kordrion, Majom, Mithara. Rour, Royston, Taalu, Temperius, Theldruin, Zephilyn

Arjah, Balereth, Irilin, Mormel, Romchu, Thaettir, Trenetir, Wilva, Xalandir
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100 Human Warlock
((Ditzlewixx on SoE hordeside, but if you've got an even amount of people don't worry about it))
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