A radical change maybe?

100 Blood Elf Priest
Let us say in the next xpack factions were a bit more flexable. Given the current political happenings on both sides the new player experiance is altered a bit. Most nations would be considered neutral, meaning a loss of the for the horde/alliance achievement. The capitols were declaired factionless, for their race. At the end of the newbie zone at level ten, you decide weather you want to be horde, or alliance. It is not picked for you. You could have alliance tauren and horde gnomes.

Second with the way everything is being boiled down to everyone being the same do away with the class system and institute a skill system. Based loosely on talent point type mechanic. You pick your race at the begining and they are a blank slate. You are given a set of points to invest. The only skill all chars start with is cloth armor, I realise some people can't dress themselves but still. Each point you put in an area makes it better save for passive skills like weapons and armor type.

Cloth is free, but leather costs two points, mail 3 and plate 5. You cannot cast spells in any armor above cloth. Period. eleminates the need to make spellplate/mail/leather. If your a pure ranged caster/healer armor points on something shouldn't matter because your dead anyway. Weapons would come in groups. Some people will say this is just wow d20, not entirely. d20 is still very class based. you pick a class and get oodles of stuff free. Here you don't and must plan out your points to get the archtype you want.

Spells/abilities/special attacks would come in the more you devoted to a particular subset of skills. A couple points in holy might get me a lesser heal, but ten or more and your popping out the advanced stuff, and powered up to boot.
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51 Worgen Druid
definatley radical, doesnt sound like a game I might play. There's a few fundimental flaws with it there too, but I am so sleepy I just can't bring myself to say much else.
I like the idea of choosing your faction though.
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86 Orc Hunter
Sounds like an interesting game, but it wouldn't be WoW.

I'm not sure if I'd play it or not.
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85 Dwarf Warrior
It sounds like World of Elder Scrolls. I like Elder Scrolls, but don't want it in WoW.
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