Behind enemy lines.

85 Orc Shaman
From his vantage point to the south He had just watched the united forces of the pitiful Alliance and the pretender Horde assault the Dark Portal. It wasn't long before the portal vanished completely.

He scrunched his forehead as he mulled over his options.

He has been returning to report back to his commander about what he had discovered during the week the Iron Horde, the true horde, had finally ventured to this forsaken planet. He did not return soon enough.

He looked down at his large green fist and he absently scratched at it. His normally reddish skin shown bright green. A result of the spell that had been cast on him for his assignment. They knew there were going to be Orcs on this world. From the tales they were soft and weak but not all. Some still had the fire and rage of the ancestors burning within them. Those orcs are the ones he needed to find.

He normally hated subterfuge but in this case his now green skin would allow him to search for the Iron Horde's brethren on this world. He would let the Iron Horde take care of the Alliance and False Horde on the other side of the portal.

He would rally the Iron Horde on this side.
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85 Orc Shaman
The Iron orc had a problem. He needed to gather forces on this side of the Dark Portal for the Iron Horde. The problem was how to do that without exposing himself. The entire world of Azeroth seemed to have it out for the Iron ones. He couldn't afford to reveal himself just yet but he needed a way to contact other Iron orcs without being to open about it.

He thought of a solution. Fairly simple actually. The false horde was soft, weak and prided itself on being honorable.

His first target was one out near the Alliance area., A small village removed from the Stormwind Stronghold.

He has spent a few hours on the outskirts of the village looking for the right target. A man and his son from the looks of it had been gathering firewood and after the man was looking ragged and worn out Grothrek made his move. He advanced swiftly to the front door.

The boy was the first to see him. The boy raise his hand and and pointed. The father turned around but it was already to late. The Iron orc brought his mace down hard. He felt the human's skull shatter.

The boy screamed as his father hit the floor lifeless. The orc approached the boy slowly, his large hands glowing with elemental lighting. The light flickered off his eager grin but his grin immediately faded when he heard the sounds of guards approaching.

Grothrek instead summoned a localized earthquake at the foundation of the house

and slammed the Iron Horde Banner into the ground. Let the guards decided between chasing him or rescuing the boy.

He was right. The weak willed humans chose the child instead of trying to following him. Fools.

First target completed but it wasn't enough. Assaulting a defenseless human and his pup might get a response but it coupld easily be overlooked by the orcs he was looking for. Mostly it would help him identity those that the true Iron Orcs would need to end.

His second target was a little more close to home for the Orcs of Azeroth. One of the things he hated during his scouting assignment was seeing the pretender Horde fraternizing up to lesser. softer, weaker races. Primary the blood elves. Their race was on the border of extinction and rightfully so.

It had been ridiculously easy to find his way though Silvermoon, Guards nor country folk seemed concerned with a random ghost wolf running though the city and the surrounding county side. It had taken only about half a day to find what he wanted.

A couple of children were playing beach side unattended. Twins by the look of it.

He summoned the fury of fire and readied for a burst of lava.

He started to think about what he would do with their charred corpses.

"Stand down beast or I shall run you through!"

Grothrek stopped his casting as he felt the tip of a sword touch his back.

The Iron orc simply huffed and with the speed of the elements at his call he spun around knocking the blade aside. The blood elf warrior was startled. He obviously had not expected an orc to move so fast.

"You shall do no such thing softling!" the orc growled before bringing his hammer down.

The elf collapsed like a bag of crushed boulders. The elf reached his hand out toward the twins

"R-run" was the last words the elf muttered.

Groth turned back to the elf children and bound their feet to the ground with the element of earth. They struggled to run, try as they might the could not. The elemental force held them in place

"Don't worry little ones. I'm not going to kill you. I'm going to so much worse"

About an hour later the fallen warrior was found with the Iron Horde banner stabbed through his chest and into the ground. The twins girls were found crying under a near by tree. Their faces horribly scarred. It appeared that they had been set on fire and then healed once their skin was gone.

Grothrek used his farsight to view the chaos. Only thing left now was to visit the inns, taverns and gathering places to see who was sympathetic to his actions and to make a note of who was not .
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62 Human Hunter
The bounty hunter left the Recluse with no more information that she had entered with. It was frustrating.

Even with the banner, the orc and wolf tracks the authorities and had dismissed the action as random violence from a Garrosh supporter. Due to her small reputation as a track in the Elwynn and Redridge area the family, the boy's aunt and uncle, had come to her to see if there was anything she could do.

She had been looking for the murderer for two days and so far nothing to show for it. The recluse had been a whim. A hope that someone had heard something, It had been a futile. No one had known anything and even fewer new anything has happened.

She wasn't getting anywhere Alliance side, perhaps she needed to speak to someone a little more closely associated with the Horde.
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