Light in a Dark Tower

She had felt it before when the conflict on Pandaria had spread across the land. She felt it even then when Deathwing had broken the lands of Azeroth in his rampage. And now with the Iron Horde that feeling was rising even higher.

All of this time she never knew what it was, what she felt deep inside that she was missing. It wasn’t until she saw her former commander Turncutt that she knew. She saw it in his eyes as well. That glimmer of a long forgotten joy of combat, the need to battle. She had not seen him look like that in years.

Deep inside she knew she had felt the same. She had missed the combat, the constant call to arms. Defending towns and people who could not fight for themselves. She had made a name for herself in doing so. A name she was proud of.


Those days had passed though. The need for defenders had declined as bigger threats had called many away. Slowly the tower of the Tenth had emptied and eventually she was alone.

Since then, she had joined Pia Presidium, the order of light. She felt welcomed and at home. There were so many people among the order, many noble knights and promising squires. They upheld order and justice, defended the weak and helped those in need. These were values she could honor and respect. These were things she needed to fill the emptiness and mend the past. Something many of them still were unaware of.

Try as she would to fit in, slowly she faded into the shadows among the many. Mainly in jest she called herself the “Ghost Officer” to explain her often random appearances. Though, in truth, she felt just as alone as she did in the empty tower. It was something she could not understand.

It was nothing anyone had done or not done. There were many times where she would be involved in situations or cases where her talents were useful. She had no grievance with anyone or even a single argument. Not even a complaint over food, even if Rinhold was cooking.

There just was a feeling of something missing, calling to her, but could never figure out what.

Then one day while going through her belongings she came across an old black tabard. A dark tabard with the face of a beast stitched in black string on its front. She held that tabard for a long time letting the flood of memories take over. She knew what she wanted then. To relive the old glories of the Tenth and the days as a defender of the people and a thorn to the Horde.

She was not leaving good people behind to an empty dark tower. Those good people were her friends and allies. Are her good friends and allies. She was leaving the light to fill that dark tower. For what is light without its shadow? There would be light in that old tower again.

The tower of the Tenth Legion will shine again.
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100 Human Paladin
Rose had always been a special part of Pia. She was a fierce fighter and a good friend. There was never a call to defend she didn't answer. As much as Gentyl hated the thought of her leaving, she knew her heart had always been with the Tenth. The Commander instilled that kind of loyalty and there was no denying the attraction of the Tenth.

Senna, the new maid asked what to do with Rose's room.

"Put a lock on it and have a rose carved on the door. She will always be part of Pia."

((I'm sorry it's taken so long to respond to this. I'm hip deep in stuff and haven't come to the forums in forever. We're very sorry to see you go. You're a very special part of Pia lore and will always be welcome at our hearth.))
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