Spring Festival 2011

86 Troll Shaman
Are you ready to band together for one of the biggest events in Cenarion Circle's history? Do you wish for more cohesion between guilds and across the server? Have you always wanted to run an event, but never quite known how? Or perhaps meet our RP community in all our glorious insanity?

Well, you're in luck, because the mad troll is back and at it again!

Presenting to you the Spring Festival 2011, two weeks jam-packed with RP events and games to tickle your fancies and challenge your inner WoW-er!

Here's how it works:

Both Alliance and Horde will have separate Festivals, roughly a month apart, to give your event attending batteries time to recharge. These Festivals will last one week, from Sunday to Saturday. Every day of this week will have one or more events scheduled, each hosted by different guilds or by individual players. I, as coordinator, will be working together with you and other event runners so that every event gets its chance in the spotlight (no events will be scheduled on top of each other).

When will this be held?

The target date(s) for the Horde will be during the week of March 13th, while the target date(s) for Alliance will be during the week of April 10th. Hopefully this gives you enough time to get something together! Please keep checking back for details.

What kind of events?

Any kind of events you can think of! Taverns, contests, groups for running through raids or getting that certain special achievement: anything goes! Here's some examples from the previous AAMS Summer Festival to get your brain juices flowing:

Argent Tournament Jousting
Game Night with Charades and Hide 'n' Go Seek
Fortune Telling
And the list goes on!

Do I have to be a roleplayer to participate?

Nope! We only ask you respect those who do roleplay while at our events, and any other players who might show up, for that matter.

How do I sign up to run an event?

Give me your event idea, what dates/times work best for you, your preferred ingame location, and whether you'll need assistance running your event. PLEASE SPECIFY who you will be running the event on and your guild name (optional) so I can give credit where it's due!

There are several ways to contact me...

POST HERE! Easy enough, right?

INGAME MAIL/TELLS! Please send all inquiries to Yotingo, Horde-side, or Dustwing, Alliance-side.

/JOIN FESTIVAL For coordination between planners or simply for asking questions about what's going down. Both Horde and Alliance will have a version of this channel.

Will this be cross-faction?

At the current time we do not have enough translators to run the Alliance and Horde Festivals side-by-side. HOWEVER, if you or a friend you knows wants to serve as translator for an event, please contact me! (see above for how to do so)

Questions, comments? Please send word to Yotingo, Horde-side, or Dustwing, Alliance-side. I hope to hear from you soon!
Edited by Yotingo on 12/23/2010 4:27 AM PST
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86 Troll Shaman

Sunday, March 13th
Festival of Sen Pad'rek, 6:00 PM Server Time
Hosted by: <Homeland>

Monday, March 14th
Spring Parade and Jousting Tournament, underneath Dalaran and the Argent Tournament Grounds in Icecrown, 6:00 PM Server Time
Hosted by: Yotingo of <AAMS>

Tuesday, March 15th
Da Doctas Clinic, behind Cataclysm Portals in Ogrimmar, 7:00 PM Server Time
Hosted by: <Da Doctas>

Wednesday, March 16th
Deviate Delight Mystery, Ratchet tavern in the Northern Barrens, 6:00 PM Server Time
Hosted by: Yotingo of <AAMS>

Thursday, March 17th
Ishnu Por Ah Storytelling, Thunder Bluff, 6:00 PM Server Time
Hosted by: Redearth of <Ishnu Por Ah>

Friday, March 18th
Crafter's Meet'N'Greet, Gallywix's Pleasure Palace in Azshara, 6:00 PM Server Time
Hosted By: Truxxick amd Rilvix of <Kablooey Incorporated>

Saturday, March 19th
Ring of Blood Tournament (PvP), Ring of Blood in Nagrand, 4:00 PM Server Time
Hosted by: Enion of <Homeland>

Tatta's Bar and Grill, Ogrimmar, 6:00 PM Server Time
Hosted by: Tatta of <Homeland>


Sunday, April 10th
Pirate Party, 12:00 PM (noon) Server Time
Hosted by: <Pia Presidium>

Monday, April 11th
Ashenvale Rebuilding Project, Ashenvale, 7:00 PM Server Time
Hosted by: AAMS Alliance Branch

Tuesday, April 12th
Twilight Cultist Attack, Blue Recluse in Stormwind, 4:00 PM Server Time
Hosted by: Dustwing of <Conclave>

Wednesday, April 13th[/i]
The Light and You, 6:00 PM Server Time
Hosted by: Genevra of <Conclave>

Thursday, April 14th
Alliance Clinic, Cathedral Square in Stormwind, 6:00 PM Server Time
Hosted By: <Pillar of Honor>

Friday, April 15th
Bard Night, Ironforge Library, 6:00 PM Server Time
Hosted by: <Pia Presidium>

Saturday, April 16th
Steam Tonk Demolition Derby, Ironforge side of the Deeprun Tram, 12:00 PM (noon) Server Time
Hosted by: Sprocketeer

Alliance Pride Parade, Stormwind Harbor, 7:00 PM Server Time
Hosted by: Alisma of <Gilnean Liberty Brigade>
Edited by Yotingo on 4/15/2011 4:58 PM PDT
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86 Troll Shaman


Festival of Sen Pad'rek
Several events based around the World of Warcraft version of St. Patrick's Day. More info here: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/2089112174

Spring Parade, Jousting Tournament
Meet under Dalaran and march to the Argent Tournament Grounds! There we will hold a jousting tournament with prizes for winners. A separate tournament with tonks will be available for anyone too young to ride the horses.

Da Doctas Clinic
Need healing? We've got you covered, mon!

Deviate Delight Mystery
A tavern in the thriving goblin town of Ratchet. Mostly removed from the struggles of Azeroth, what could possibly go wrong? (Conflict RP, I'll be asking for some volunteers during the event for something devious...)

Bring your best stories, songs, poems, or jokes to share at Ishnu Por Ah's traditional storytelling circle.

Crafter's Meet'N'Greet
Bring your crafted goods to sell, or your orders for another crafter to fill! Also an excuse to party. Located at Gallywix's Pleasure Palace in Azshara: help will be provided for those having trouble getting there.

Ring of Blood PvP Tournament
A /duel tournament to be held in the Ring of Blood in Nagrand. Participants will be paired off according to level, and tonk duels will be available for those without a good level match.

Pirate Party
Pirate clothes, booze, and a commandeered Horde zeppelin. Who could ask for more? Be sure to bring your pirate costume!

Twilight Cultist Attack
It's the Alliance's turn! After a unsuccessful attempt at taking over the tavern in Ratchet, twilight cultists are now trying a bigger target--the Blue Recluse in Stormwind! (Conflict RP, with battles determined by a /roll system. I'll be asking for volunteers before the event starts to be cultist invaders!)

The Light and You
A weekly discussion about the Light and morality, and how they pertain to life on Azeroth. Questions and short sermons of your own are welcomed.

Alliance Clinic
In pain? Need a healer? The Alliance Clinic has you covered!

Bard Night
Bring your best stories, songs, poems, or jokes to tell up front of the crowd!

Steam Tonk Demolition Derby
Bring your steam tonk controllers and get ready to race!
Edited by Yotingo on 4/6/2011 10:49 PM PDT
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97 Tauren Hunter

I will try to get this on IPA's schedule.. not sure if the Bosses cruise this forum or not..

/roleplay ON

Seeking handsome, tall, hairy and horned Shu'halo bull for long bloody hunts and candy filled nights...
Edited by Snowfeather on 12/30/2010 7:33 AM PST
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86 Troll Shaman
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66 Human Paladin
I'll make sure to spread the word.
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86 Troll Shaman

Don't be shy, event-runners!
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100 Undead Warrior
*gibbers madly*
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86 Troll Shaman

Some events are already rolling in. I plan to have a meeting for planners sometime in mid-February.
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Well, the Horde version looks to fall directly on top of St. Patrick's Day, so I think we'll look to roll Homeland's yearly Festival of Sen Pad'rek into this. There's usually a few days of events -- I'll work on getting an outline together and seeing if we can't make it more Spring Festivaly.
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90 Human Paladin
How interesting! I certainly hope there will be some early morning events so I can participate. In the meantime, I'll be sure to spread the word (and, obviously, provide the thread a bump).
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86 Troll Shaman
Hrm, I think the forums ate my reply. Let's try this again...

Planner's Meeting will be the 17th, Thursday, at 6 Server. We'll be talking in the FESTIVAL channel on Horde side, so no need to be physically present. Please spread the word!

Also, I think combining festivals is a great idea!
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86 Troll Shaman
The Planner's Meeting is tonight!
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86 Troll Shaman
Some good news and some bad news.

The good news is: the Horde Spring Festival is NEXT WEEK! I'll be finalizing the schedule and sending out invites later this week. I encourage everyone to do the same! Let's make this happen, mons!

The bad news is: due to lack of interest and lots of RL mayhem, the Alliance Spring Festival will likely be a lot shorter than the Horde one. If you know of someone wanting to run an event, please come speak to me so Alliance can also have their day! A mail to Dustwing (Alliance side) is the surest way to reach me. Please and thank you.
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86 Troll Shaman
I'm beginning to send out the invites! The Cenarion Circle RPer base is very big, so if I didn't catch your name in specific, please don't take offense! Also, a note to guildleader and my other event runners: the ingame calendar only supports so many invites, so I suggest you also make an event yourself so more names can be gotten in.

You may also notice that Sunday, Friday and Saturday are the only days I've sent out invites for thus far. There's been some last minute schedule changes, and once those are worked out, I will be sending out invites for the other days as well. Rest assured that there will be an activity on each day!
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86 Troll Shaman
Schedules finalized for the Horde-side festival and a final ka-bump!
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89 Human Paladin
I'm excited to see what the Alliance side brings!!
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100 Tauren Shaman
Come this evening to Thunder Bluff and enjoy a story or tell one yourself! Ishnu Por Ah's storytelling happens at 6 server and we gather before Chief Baine.
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85 Night Elf Hunter
Planning for the Alliance-side festival is under way, and some events have already been posted. Take a look, and if you'd like to run something of your own, get in contact with me!
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85 Night Elf Hunter
Invites are on their way out! This is next week: let's make it a good one!
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