Alliance/Horde Drinkers

Was having a thought today which brought up who would drink what if the races of the Horde or Alliance were in the real world.

Like for example, Tauren could maybe have a thing for Whiskey given the Native American ties and my thoughts think "Fire Water".

Goblins could be Rum lovers, heck they even have cola made for mixing.

As to the other races, what would you think they would be more like to drink if it was their first time in the real world. Dwarves and beer are kind of a no brainer, but would they hit something harder?

Just thought I'd post this and see what people would come up with heh.
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96 Night Elf Death Knight
Orc - malt liquor
Troll - pina coladas
draenei - wine
night elfs don't drink alcohol, they'd want acid tabs
blood elfs - champagne
human - anything they can get their hands on
dwarf - ale
undead - bloody mary
goblin - rum and coke
gnomes - soda lol
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
I'd assume coffee would be involved somewhere, too. If not, it should be. :D
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I drop two beer barrels in every dungeon.
One is a "mystery"
Also, why do Pandaren say they brew "beer" when they are CLEARLY running some pretty sizeable pot-distilling systems? You don't need constant heat sources, collection units, and distilling coils if you're just making beer.
Clever bears.
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100 Gnome Priest
Orc - malt liquor
gnomes - soda lol

Hehe, I don't doubt it. But if you know where to look you'll find there are more than a few engineers that make a mean engine degreaser that'll get you pretty wasted, pretty fast.
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