Poundfist Mount Camping

100 Gnome Priest
[ Updated ]
I have a group that I list on and off in the Premade tab.
I'll give preference to anyone from CC and SoE if you're interested.

Right now we're full and fairly stable, with the odd d/c and offline drops. Poke me in-game for an invite and I'll see about squeezing you in.

I've been at it since about 5:30am server and barring any interruptions or emergencies will likely be here until sometime tonight.

If you find yourself passing through Gorgrond throw out a shout of support over General, or feel free to drop by and RP with me!
...Great-Mekgineer knows I'll have time... :)

Possibly useful info:

For tracking his kills:
Edited by Caileanmor on 12/26/2014 2:35 PM PST
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100 Gnome Priest
Working on 55 hours

No spawn yet.
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100 Dwarf Mage
/gives Cail some donuts to tide him over
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100 Gnome Priest
Time: 57 hours

/noms donuts gratefully.
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100 Worgen Warlock
You're mad.
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100 Gnome Priest
12/26/2014 03:07 PMPosted by Rakeri
You're mad.

Damn skippy, I'm a gnome! :D
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100 Gnome Priest
Time: 59 hours

...still no spawn.
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100 Goblin Warlock
Are all spawn points being watched?
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100 Gnome Priest
12/26/2014 05:02 PMPosted by Wurtman
Are all spawn points being watched?

They are. We have the five main point covered. I'm am just now learning that there may be other potential sites.

60.5 hours in...
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100 Gnome Priest
Timer: 63 hours
Been at it for 14 hours.

...it's wearing thin...
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100 Gnome Priest
Timer: almost 64 hours.

Taking a break. I owe you big Ru. Big, like shredder mount big.

be back in a few hours!
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100 Gnome Priest
Timer: 66 hours

Just got back from a nap and ready to go. Thanks again Ru!
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100 Gnome Priest
Timer: 69 hours.

-.- zzzz
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100 Gnome Priest
Basically 72 hours on the timer and I'm spent!

22 hours at this is all I can do. I'm getting old :P

For those interested; I've passed lead to Arliss a fellow CCer.
I've been following the Twitter feed here: https://twitter.com/dreadravenanzu/lists/poundfist-us-eu-tracking
and this here: https://onedrive.live.com/view.aspx?resid=82CFC9157A4DF319!11931&app=Excel
and this: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QFs_8hQdRUMEm47uhJH4xdIoMcQSe-UFYY2KpSpUECM/htmlview?sle=true#

I'm off to bed... ugh. Will report more when I rise from the dead once more.
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100 Gnome Priest
Right around 3pm server (82 hours on his Timer: 34 hours camping... and 17 minutes later :P)

Poundfist Spawned!

South East of the Rexxar Flight Point in an open field.

There were two raids total Alliance side that I was aware of, as well as a few that weren't grouped. We began to gather and wait. Someone (in a different raid I think) got antsy and attacked, so began the game of making him last. Cyclones and Sheeps flew in from every which direction, and still inconsiderate people (I'm eyeing you hordies >.< and several allies) kept breaking it and unloading their cool downs.

Even so!... The majority of us worked together and made him last fairly long for being a lvl 95 rare spawn, hp scaling considered, surrounded by nearly 100 people that wanted nothing more than to kill him.

GOOD JOB to all of those that helped stretch him out so more people could tag in!!
And THANK YOU to those horde that also helped. Not all of you are inconsiderate, and for that I thank you. You know who you are... :)

Twitter Confirmation Link:

Poundfist Spread Sheet of Confirmations:
(Connected NA Realms: line 74)

My photobucket Confirmations:


Now...I'm going to crawl back into bed for another day or two.
*clicks off the lights*
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100 Dwarf Mage
And I'm very thankful you managed to make him last! When it was said in guild chat that he had spawned I had no idea where to go (and I apologize for getting a bit vulgar and pushy when asking for directions) but because of your efforts he was still alive when I finally arrived.
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