Can we retire some unused names?

100 Night Elf Druid
As the person who normally has THIS name can attest, it's quite confusing when you have characters over multiple servers and your preferred name is taken. I've been watching for the name I've used since launch, Alaydia, to show up. I've never seen it. So either that person has the amazing ability to only be on when I'm not, or they haven't played for some time.

Is it possible to retire character names after the character goes unplayed for a specified length of time? I'm willing to wait six months to a year, if necessary. If nothing else, it would possibly reduce the weird lines and accents on names that are currently the only way to get the name you want, especially since we've combined realms.
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100 Night Elf Druid
Blizzard already freed up a number of names that hadn't been active since about Wrath prior to Warlords. If your name is still taken, it's likely that it's attached to an active account, even if it's not a very active alt. You can always petition a GM, too.
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100 Night Elf Druid
I was looking for the character name Sami, all you have to do is start up a ticket with Blizzard and say something to the affect of


I've been looking for <Insert name here> as a character name and I've noticed its taken, I was wondering if it could be freed up for me."

They will send them a message asking if they want to keep the name or not, if they don't respond or if they say no, Blizz will take the name down and let you know.
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100 Human Warrior
01/13/2015 09:34 AMPosted by Alilyanna
Blizzard already freed up a number of names that hadn't been active since about Wrath prior to Warlords. If your name is still taken, it's likely that it's attached to an active account, even if it's not a very active alt. You can always petition a GM, too.

That's actually how I got this character's name. Alaria was taken, I petitioned a GM, and since the character hadn't been online in a certain untold amount of time, they were able to free it up.

You might could check it again, too! They freed up a bunch of names when 6.0 dropped, and that might be among them. :)
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100 Draenei Shaman
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100 Night Elf Druid
Got it! Thanks for the help, all!
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