As the person who normally has THIS name can attest, it's quite confusing when you have characters over multiple servers and your preferred name is taken. I've been watching for the name I've used since launch, Alaydia, to show up. I've never seen it. So either that person has the amazing ability to only be on when I'm not, or they haven't played for some time.
Is it possible to retire character names after the character goes unplayed for a specified length of time? I'm willing to wait six months to a year, if necessary. If nothing else, it would possibly reduce the weird lines and accents on names that are currently the only way to get the name you want, especially since we've combined realms.
Is it possible to retire character names after the character goes unplayed for a specified length of time? I'm willing to wait six months to a year, if necessary. If nothing else, it would possibly reduce the weird lines and accents on names that are currently the only way to get the name you want, especially since we've combined realms.