<Drunken Light Brigade> is recruiting!!!

Greetings Cenarion Circle and Sisters of Elune!

Let me introduce <Drunken Light Brigade>, an alliance raiding guild formed mostly of re-rolls and old school players. We took a leap of faith all together, not knowing any of each other, in order to start over on this server and kill some dragons and we’ve been quite successful. As of this post, we are 7/7 Normal and 6/7 Heroic with full intentions of going into Mythic and clearing as well. I think we’ve started a great group with a lot of potential and I want to invite you all to check us out.

We are still missing players for our core mythic team! Specifically we are missing ranged DPS. So we’re turning to you CC / SoE; we’ve encountered some really great and valuable players on this realm and I’m sure that there are more out there that would be a perfect fit for our guild. It’s important to note that we are looking for players who are serious about getting into mythic raiding, and who are consistent and dedicated. We are not looking for people to ride the wave but for people who want to perform and give the rest of the DPS here a run for their money. Specifically we are very interested in the following:

• Boomkin
• Elemental Shaman
• Hunter
• Shadow Priest

However we are not interested in only these classes. If your class isn’t listed here and you still feel like we would be a good fit for you, please feel free to apply as well. You can submit an application at http://www.d-l-b.enjin.com/ and our officers will timely review your application and get in touch with you.

So far it’s been a blast here on CC / SoE. On another note, as a guild we do not really RP although I understand that some members are interested in it. If you’d like to chat with someone in game please get in touch with: Death#1225, sOvrn#1821 or Ned#1467. We look forward to hearing from you.

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Bumping! Still looking. Feel free to apply on website or contact officer!!! Come join us!
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Bumpin!!!! Still looking for talent.
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