*sizzling noises*

100 Blood Elf Paladin
01/10/2015 03:40 AMPosted by Mormel

But where else can ya find a dress made outta Polyplaster Combustinate?

Who else but an insane dimwit who can't take a clue would require such a garment? *cold sneer*
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100 Goblin Priest
01/10/2015 08:14 AMPosted by Ketiron
01/10/2015 03:40 AMPosted by Mormel

But where else can ya find a dress made outta Polyplaster Combustinate?

Who else but an insane dimwit who can't take a clue would require such a garment? *cold sneer*

I'll take ten of them!!!!! What colors do you have Mormie?!?! Are they see-thru?!?!
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100 Goblin Warlock
See Grumpy Elf! My smexy dresses are popular with lots of people an' there is nothin' dimwitted 'bout them.

Oh an Ditzy they come in the followin' colors: Invisible, Transparent, an' Imaginary. I'll have ta double check whether they are see-thru or not though.
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100 Goblin Priest
01/10/2015 12:09 PMPosted by Mormel
See Grumpy Elf! My smexy dresses are popular with lots of people an' there is nothin' dimwitted 'bout them.

Oh an Ditzy they come in the followin' colors: Invisible, Transparent, an' Imaginary. I'll have ta double check whether they are see-thru or not though.

Ya know what, it doesn't matter! Those are my favorite colors!!!
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Uh huh.
So this is what's ben going on in here?

You people are weird. I'mma go make some pancakes.
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100 Orc Shaman
...Bralox like pancakes.
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100 Goblin Priest
Anyone want some milk for their pancakes? :D
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100 Orc Warlock
*Scowls down at the goblin and shoves her way past*

Milk drinker... *mutters*

*slams a large Gorgron Boar, gutted and cleaned, onto the table*

Tauren. Grill me up some ribs.
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100 Goblin Priest
*the shove knocks the pitcher of milk out of Ditzy's hands, shattering on the floor, hurling milk everywhere*

B-but my milk!!!!!


*starts wailing and crying, falling to her knees*
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Step One: Grab both Goblins by the head.
Step Two: With a shockingly graceful twirl throw BOTH goblins out of my otherwise reputable and clean dining establishment.
Watch to make sure the itty bitty green dots make it over the wall and out into the frozen wastes.
Step Three: Turn to the two Orc customers.
"Howdy dere Bralox! One milk and hotcakes coming for up. You want special syrup on that? I got 'Shmaple', Honeyrose, Moonberry, and something called "'PandaStill Superproof'"
"Gorehoney! Yeah, hold tight sweetie....(concentrates for an instant, then a terrifyingly bright beam of solar fire comes in through the skylight)...medium rare, right? here ya go. And the painsauce, extra ghosty."
Edited by Plainswander on 1/12/2015 4:16 PM PST
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100 Orc Warlock
*scowl lightens a little, which for her is close to a smile*

No one does'm quite like you, Plains.

*slowly begins to devour the boar rib by rib*
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100 Goblin Priest
(( *deletes original posting* eff it, I'm done))
Edited by Ditzlewixx on 1/12/2015 5:03 PM PST
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100 Orc Shaman
Bralox can next be found with a stack of, all total twelve pancakes. EAch one of them has nearly a quarter inch thick layer of Peanut butter between them.

"Oh boy! Breakfast!"

He side eyes the ribs.

"Nope, wanna keep both hands.."
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100 Orc Warlock
01/12/2015 05:04 PMPosted by Bralox
He side eyes the ribs.

"Nope, wanna keep both hands.."

Fingers dripping with juicy goodness, she half slides the other full slab across the table. Scowl softens to a stern expression.

"Throm-ka, brother." She grunts. "The rest would go to the imps, and that would be a pity with this fine delicacy." She pays the sly compliment to the Tauren as she carefully kisses her fingertips clean.

She heaves an almost remorseful sigh. "Still half a rack left and I'm just about full." Gorehand eyes Plainswander and offers him the taste. "Sample your handy work, and I'll take a horn of grog and two to go if you have it."
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100 Goblin Warlock
*Dusts herself off and then helps Ditzy up*

"Come on Ditzy. Lets go find some Salisbury Steak elsewhere."
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100 Orc Shaman
*Bralox is currently unavailable, Meat has been put in front of him. He is messily disintegrating it*
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"Thanks Gorebabe, don't mind if I do...... "

Seeing that all the customers are tended, an no more impromptu rease Fashion shows are threatening to break out, the big tauren dissappears into the back of his bar, munching happily on a chunk of boar.
The minute his hairy hide passes the kitchen threshhold, he bellows. "TenBock! Get yer furry butt out here and mind the bar! I got work ta do downstairs!"
Shortly thereafter, large number of barrels can be heard rolling around in the basement, and the sounds of a distillery starting production begin to hiss and clatter about.
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97 Blood Elf Priest
He'd been present for the entirety, of course. Bent studiously over his dark section of the bar-counter, non-participant but for the occasional sip from the oaken mug half empty before him. Two rows of peanuts faced one another in battle formation on the hard, weathered wooden surface. Where he designated defeat, he would crush the shells and pop the fallen into his expressionless mouth, and nudge the victors into a new, more tactical position.

There are worse ways to whittle away the hours.
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34 Gnome Rogue
Startled by the sudden hiss of vapor, a puff of pink bobbed frantically. Fingers flailed as they lost grip and a copy of Savage & Sexy Shu’halo dropped, the centerfold falling open to a bare chested and extremely well built Tauren male hefting a tree or something over his head (it didn’t matter what – no one who purchased the periodical would look at that part of the photo anyway).

Nabbi hopped down, picked up her magazine, smoothing out any wrinkles. As she was making sure no dust was left on Chieftain January, she glanced down the other end of the basement.

A gasp.

A sigh.

“Oh!” A shy smile. “Hi.”
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*floats in on the wafting smell of boar and kitchen grease* *remembers to secure cloak over shoulder and pulls hat brim down*
*lowers voice*
Mok-ra. I'll have whatever the chef recommends.

((seriously, y'all are driving my stomach nuts!))

*eyes the other patrons warily* *especially the peanut-munching elf*

And a table against the far wall...
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